
Monday, August 27, 2012

God's Purifying Love


Transverberation of the Heart of St. Teresa of Jesus

 "... An arrow is thrust into the deepest and most living recesses of the heart in such a way that the soul doesn't know what has happened or what it wants. It well understands that it wants God and that the arrow seems to have been dipped in a poisonous herb so that for the love of the Lord it might despise itself; and it would gladly lose its life for Him..." 
(St. Teresa of Jesus, Vida, XXIX)

The soul enamoured of its God repeats with St. Francis: "So great is the Good which awaits me that all pain is delightful to me."

One of the greatest graces God can give a soul is that of introducing it into the painful desolation of the Night of the spirit, for it is in this way that He prepares and disposes it for union. Although to the soul who experiences its distressing pains, this Night seems to be chastisement from God, it is, on the contrary, a gift of His "merciful love," by means of which, He wills to disentangle the soul from the last snares of its imperfections.* St. John of the Cross declares expressly that this night is the work of "the loving wisdom of God," which purifying the soul "prepares it for the union of love" (Dark Night, II.5,1). But if this is the work of divine love, why is it so painful?
* Not a question anymore of mortal and venial sins.

The difficult and bitter purification called the Night of the spirit necessitates the extirpation of the roots of imperfect habits. In the Night of the sense, the beginning of the purification of the soul, the soul is put into obscurity and deprivation of all sensible consolation, freed from attachment to creatures (spiritual and earthly - material or not), a matter of renouncing "every pleasure that presents itself to the senses, if it be not purely for the honor and glory of God" (St. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mt. Carmel, I.13,4) ; but this Night is complete only by the Night of the spirit which, annihilating the soul in its spiritual faculties (the mind and the will), succeeds in destroying in it every imperfect habit. St. John of the Cross remarks very appositely that after having passed through the Night of the sense, "there still remain in the spirit the stains of the old man, although the spirit thinks not that this is so, neither can it perceive them" (ibid., 2.1); these stains are so deep and hidden that the soul has difficulty in recognizing them.

Consider, for example, one who is detached from creatures and earthly goods, advanced in the ways of prayer and virtue, a soul, therefore, who has already gone through the stages of the purgative and illuminative ways; nevertheless, when put to the test, it is easy to discover in it a certain attachment to its good works - work of the apostolate, exercises of penance or devotion - so that if obedience or the service of its neighbor oblige it to leave these works or substitute others for them, the soul is troubled, offers a certain resistance, and only with much reluctance does it succeed in submitting (cf., the Christian spirit in "Our Lady at Fatima: 'MANY souls go to hell...'"). This happens precisely because there are still within it the roots of imperfect habits and, above all, those of pride and egoism, whence spring all the other faults and imperfections. Of what use is it to suppress faulty actions if their roots remain in the spirit? Cut off only superficially, these roots, sooner or later, send forth shoots in a new direction.

The soul has become like a piece of green wood placed in the fire; material fire, acting upon wood, first of all begins to dry it by driving out its moisture (that is, those created goods - material or not - that serve as the source of security, joy, and comfort of the old man), and "to make it black, dark, and unsightly, and even to make it give forth a bad odour; and, as it dries it little by little, it brings out and drives away all the dark and unsightly accidents which are contrary to the nature of fire. Finally, it begins to kindle it externally, to give it heat, and at last transforms it into itself, making it as beautiful as fire" (St. John of the Cross, ibid., II.5,1). Likewise, divine Love, "before It unites and transforms the soul into itself, first purges it of all contrary accidents (that is, all those that mark the old man). The loving Wisdom of God invading the yet imperfect soul must necessarily begin in it a work of destruction, of purification, and only after having freed it from everything contrary to divine Love, will He unite it to Himself and transform it to Himself. Then, the work of Love will no longer be grievous to the soul, but very sweet and delightful; however, as long as it is not completely purified, this work of purgation cannot fail to be afflictive. O blessed affliction which disposes the soul for so great a Good!

No one can be freed from the roots of his faults without passing through the painful Night of the spirit. Comparing this night to the Night of the sense, St. John of the Cross says that the difference between one and the other "is the difference between the root and the branch, or between the removing of the stain which is fresh and of one which is old and of long standing" (ibid.). Although the operation is very arduous and painful to undergo, it is nevertheless indispensable, because the stain of the old man are removed only "with the soap and strong lye" of the purgation of the spirit, without which the soul "will be unable to come to the purity of divine union" (ibid.). Such desolation and such privation of everything should not discourage us; they are not ordered to death (of course ordered to the death of our false superficial life - the life of egoism), but to life and even to the fullness of life - which is union with God by a perfect measure of charity: to love as Christ loves.

Jesus Christ Himself, at the Last Supper, expressed the supreme desire of His love for us by asking for this perfect union: As Thou, Father in Me, and I in Thee; that they also may be one in Us (Jn. 17.21). But because we are radically incapable of this union, vitiated by sin and full of every misery, He took our sins upon Himself and washed them away in His Blood. The Passion of the Saviour tells us how much our purification has cost the sinless Son of God. And if it has cost Him, Innocence Itself, so much, is it not just that we should suffer a little, too, we who are culpable, having so often offended God, and having so many times, by our willfulness, put obstacles to the outpouring of His Love in our souls? And now that this divine Love, instead of abandoning us as we deserve, comes to us in order to purify us, shall we flee from its action? No, this cannot be! Just as purifying sufferings are the work of God's love for us, so we want our acceptance of them to be the work, the proof, of our love for Him. "To love is to labor to detach and strip ourselves for God's sake of all that is not God" (St. John of the Cross, Assent of Mt. Carmel, II.5,7). Solo Dios basta! ("God alone suffices," St. Teresa of Jesus in her Nada)

"... Oh, what it is to see a wounded soul... the soul did not cause this love... a spark from the very great love of the Lord has.. suddenly fell upon it, making it burn all over... the soul seeks some remedy... But it sees no remedy than death, for it thinks that by means of death it can enjoy its Good completely."

A blessed Feast to all!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Year That Was 1929


Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

In Her July 1917 visitation at Fatima in Portugal, Our Blessed Mother told Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta that, among others, She "shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to [Her] Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays." It was on June 13, 1929, that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary returned again, this time at Tuy, a town on the the northernmost border of Portugal and Spain, where Sr. Lucia was living as a Dorothean Nun. What was striking in this Her appearance to Sr. Lucia was that Our Immaculate Mother returned with the Most Holy Trinity. In this famous Trinitarian vision, the Woman of the Apocalypse told Sr. Lucia: "The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. There are so many souls whom the justice of God condemns for sins committed against Me, that I have come to ask reparation..." (from Sr. Lucia's Fifth Memoir, Appendix II, pp. 234-5). The war waged by the devil against Our Immaculate Mother (cf., Apoc. 12.17) was now revealed as to its specific form.

In Marian Theology, the Saints declare with one voice the teaching that "He who neglects the service of the Blessed Virgin will die in his sins," says St. Bonaventure. Again, "he who does not invoke thee, O Lady, will never get to heaven." And, on the 99th Psalm, the same Seraphic Doctor even says, "that not only those from whom Mary turns Her face will not be saved, but that there will be no hope of their salvation." Before him, St. Ignatius the martyr said, "that it was impossible for any sinner to be saved without the help and favor of the Most Blessed Virgin; because those who are not saved by the justice of God are with infinite mercy saved by the intercession of Mary." "For this reason," St. Alphonsus Liguori points out, "the devil does his utmost with sinners in order that, after they have lost the grace of God, they may also lose devotion to Mary." Therefore, the height of the devil's war is to seal off the last lifeline, as it were, from sinners who have lost the grace of God not only by inspiring them to lose devotion to the Immaculate but even more so to hate and dishonor the Most Blessed Mother of God!

Now, why in 1929? It was to forestall the "Secret Red Plan to Take Over the Catholic Church" (published in China in 1959) starting in the 1930s. In fact, the incontrovertible voluminous testimony of Ms. Bella Dodd, the former Secretary-General of the Communist Party of the United States who converted to Catholicism, revealed before the U.S. House of "UnAmerican Activities" Committee in the 1950s: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within*" (Christian Order, November 2000). Note that she was speaking "a dozen years before Vatican II [1962-1965]...: 'Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" (ibid.) - "where," Christian Order underlines, "they were working to bring about change in order to weaken** the Church's effectiveness against Communism." "The whole idea," according to Ms. Bella Dodd, this time in her series of lectures delivered at the Jesuit-run Fordham University in the U.S. in the 1950s, "was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the faith*** of the people [in the Church], and even to use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing" (ibid.) - that is, a counterfeit 'Catholicism' spreading from the Vatican itself: the New 'Catholic Order' of Vatican II, the "Conciliar Church" or the Neo-Catholic Church, where the Sovereign Roman Pontiff was to be reduced to a tiara-less-rubber-stamp-ceremonial-head (cf., "The Great Tribulation").
* "The Church attacking itself," Pope Paul VI (cf., "Our Lady and the Diabolical Campaign")

** The Communists, like the Freemasons, were in no way under the delusion that they would be able to overturn the Church from her foundation. They knew very well that permission was granted them to assault her only, even from within, but never to prevail against it (Mt. 16.18) as to extirpate and annihilate Her (cf., "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage"). They admit therefore that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.

*** Through scandals, esp. the sex-scandals. These modern "Judaizers", certain men, secretly entered in... ungodly men, turning the grace of God into riotousness... (Jude 4), who carried orders from the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9) "to work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the [Catholic] Church, by creating scandals**** within her" (the Jewish B'nai B'rith, directors of the international Freemasonry, in The London Catholic Gazette, February 1936). They were referred to by the late Fr. Malachi Martin, S.J. - renowned exorcist, Vatican 'insider' and author - as that "element... called the superforce of the anti-Church... lodged in the Vatican" (cf., our comment on our post "Upheaval").

**** In particular, the crime of Sodomy for these Jewish elements, according to the teachings of the Talmud of the Synagogue (Jacob Shachter & H. Freedman, BA, PhD, tansl., Sandhedrin, London: Soncino Press, 1935), are permitted to sodomize especially young boys.

The Book of the Apocalypse (Ch. XII) says that there was seen another sign in heaven after the appearance of the Great Sign. In heaven, that is, in this Scriptural language, in the Church: behold a great red dragon (v.3). The Immaculate Woman warned in Her July 1917 visitation that if Her requests for the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart "and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays" would not be heeded, "[Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world." That is, Russia would use the institutions of the Church - the Chair of Peter (cf., Apoc. 2.13 in "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage"), her seminaries and monasteries, her schools, and her pulpits - instrumental in the universal spread of Christ's saving doctrines and moral precepts, to proclaim with a deceitful air of infallibility (in the name of 'obedience') a system of new way of looking at God (cf., "The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism'") and His Church especially in relation to that world of pronounced enmity with Christ Crucified, calculated to most easily snatch a net-load of souls without them realizing it (cf., "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage").

And the same Book of the Apocalypse tells us how the great red dragon would work in the Church to instrumentalize her institutions in spreading its poison throughout the world. And his [the great red dragon's] tail drew the third part part of the stars of heaven (v. 4). "In Scriptural language," explains the Rev. Herman Kramer, "the clergy are the stars: And they that instruct [cf., 2 Par. 17.8-10] many unto justice (shall shine) as stars for all eternity (Dan. 12.3)" (The Book of Destiny, p. 281), while the tail "is a symbol of lying and hypocrisy" (ibid., p. 280). St. John therefore alludes here to the passage of the Prophet Isaias: the prophet [that is, the cleric, cf. 1 K 9.11-16; 2 Cor. 11.13 below] that teacheth lies, he is the tail. And they that call this people blessed, shall cause them to err: and they that are called blessed, shall be thrown down headlong (9.15,16). St. Paul has since admonished the ancients of the Church (Ac. 20.17; cf., 1 Pet. 5.1): Take heed to yourselves [that is, guard the ranks of the hierarchy, listen carefully to each other's doctrine if it were sound], and to the whole flock [take careful note of the doctrines they imbibe and they breathe out], wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the church of God, which He hath purchased with His Blood... ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock. And of your own selves shall arise men speaking perverse things, to draw*** away disciples after them (vv. 28-30). However, such false prophets are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11.13-14) in so much as to deceive (if possible) even the elect (Mt. 24.24).
*** To draw away, St. John uses the same, drew, which in Scriptural Greek means "to drag by force" (The Rev. Kramer, op cit., p. 280). That is, a number of the clergy and, generally, the flock entrusted to them, would be forced to apostatize.

The "errors of Russia" in the form of counterfeit 'Catholicism', cf., our post "Upheaval"

A blessed Feast to all!

See: "Sacerdotes daemoniorum" ("Priests for the Devil"). Related posts: "The Papal 'Consecration' to the Immaculate Heart of Mary"; "Anti-Christian Conspiracy: A theory - the Synagogue; A fact - the Catholic Church"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Papal Condemnation of Freemasons And Their Doctrines


Hearken to My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people: and walk ye in all the way that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you... but he that will be proud, and refuse to obey the commandment of the priest, who ministereth... to the Lord thy God, that man shall die (Jer. 7.23; Deut. 17.12).

Before the precipitation of Lucifer and his followers into the fires of hell, all the angels were given a vision of the Eternal Word assuming in time a nature lower than the angelic. It was decreed,when He bringeth in the the first begotten into the world, He saith: And let all the angels of God adore Him (Heb. 1.6). Lucifer declared, Non serviam. Of old time thou hast broken My yoke, thou hast burst My bands, and thou saidst I will not serve (Jer. 2.20). Lucifer and his followers were punished by God with eternal torments in the fires if hell because their angelic minds clearly foresaw the eternal consequences of their rebellion and yet they held their ground: "So be it!"

Our Blessed Mother, in Her 19th August appearance at Fatima, underscored the loss of the Catholic spirit - the mind of Our Lord Jesus Christ obedient... even to the death on the Cross (Phil. 2.5,8) - as the reason why "many souls go to hell" (cf., "Our Lady: 'MANY souls go to hell...'"). Three centuries before Her Apocalyptic visitations at Fatima in Portugal, She, in Her title "Our Lady of Good Success", predicted it by saying that the proud spirit of the devil would reign through the Freemasons. It is to the Sovereign Roman Pontiffs whom She left the unmasking of the diabolically perverse mind and will of the Freemasons (their principles and their subversive operations) against the Lord Jesus Christ and His dominion - the Catholic Church and the whole religious-social order that the Catholic teaching established.

The Sovereign Roman Pontiff, whose duty it is to lead the flock of God to the harbor of salvation and feed them (cf., Jn. 21.15-17) with the doctrine of the Faith authored by the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Heb. 12.2) without any admixture of the poison of error, must indicate where the snares that threaten the flock lie. "The Roman Pontiffs, Our Predecessors, having understood the great task that they had to fulfill, like good shepherds always kept watch carefully, and by means of exhortations, instructions, and decrees, and even by risking their lives for their sheep, they tried to utterly destroy the sects that were threatening the Church with total ruin" (Pope Leo XII, Quo graviora, March 13, 1826). These sects of perdition (2 Pet. 2.1) which earned, many times over, anathemas from the Chair of Peter are the Freemasons - the insidious army organized by the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9) against the Catholic Church [whereas, the Russian atheistic materialist-Communists is the militant red (Apoc. 12.2) army organized by the same Synagogue of Satan] (cf., Joshua Jehuda, considered by the Synagogue as its important 'spiritual' leader, in our post "Anti-Christian Conspiracy").

The Modern Manifestations of the Subversive Spirit (Mind and Will) in their Fundamental Outline:

And the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit (Apoc. 9.2)

Naturalism - their fundamental doctrine...

"The fundamental doctrine of the Naturalists is that human nature and human reason [Rationalism] ought in all things to be mistress and guide" (Pope Leo XIII, Humanum genus, April 20, 1884).

That is, they contend, against Catholic doctrine, that the norm of what is true, right and good is not God and not the dogmas ["which cannot be understood by the human intelligence"] and moral precepts of His Church and Religion; rather, the inclinations of our nature and the conclusions of our reason - working in the light of our material experiences and circumstances and far sophisticated in this modern age. Thus, they 'practically' deny the Catholic teaching that "by the revelation of God... the human nature was stained by original sin, and is therefore more disposed to vice than to virtue... that our first parents sinned, and consequently think that [human reason and] free will [are] not at all weakened and inclined to [error and] evil" (Pope Leo XIII, ibid.). Now, if there were no original sin, man needs no redemption - he has no need for Christ Crucified, he has no need to submit to and obey the Lord and Savior through adherence to His doctrines and moral precepts taught by the Church, and he has no need of the Sacramental life of the Church.

'Big Brother' preaches it: "Show to the nation and to the world your real natural worth, the good that is in you and the greater good you are naturally capable of - under my 'See'." 

Naturalism's worst form: the blasphemous compromised* justification of a Neo-Catholic gay for his lifestyle - "God made me this way! If I act accordingly, it's just natural."**
* Torn between God's strict moral code and the license afforded him by the current 'spirit'.

** Entirely different from the Catholic point: "God permitted that I suffer from such grave disorder. And yet, He has given me His grace through the Sacraments and sacramentals of the Holy Church that I may not abandon myself to the filthy and poisoned suggestions of the impure spirit exploiting this sorry condition of mine."

Rationalism: "For they deny that anything has been taught by God; they allow no dogma of religion or truth which cannot be understood by the human intelligence, nor any teacher who ought to be believed by reason of his authority" (Pope Leo XIII, ibid.). That is, in denying Original Sin, man's reason is not darkened nor is it prone to error so that there is no need for truth to be imposed upon it by any entity: the need to submit to the so-called Magisterium of the Catholic Church is utter nonsense. Rationalism then breeds 'liberty of opinion', that is, "everyone," Archbishop Lefebvre points out, "can think as he likes" and "it is from the clash of ideas, they say, that the light bursts forth" (Against the Heresies, p. 77). So, let's just respect each other's beliefs, they say - while Christ's truths and moral precepts are ignored as not deserving all the 'respect' since He claims to be the absolute truth, I Am... the Truth (Jn. 7.14), in an age where relative truth is the norm.

... which breeds Indifferentism...

"It has become known to Us... that great and extensive progress is being made by, and the strength daily increasing of, some Societies, Meetings, Gatherings, Conventicles, or Lodges, commonly known as Freemasons or some other nomeclature according to difference of language, in which men of all religions and sects whatsoever, content with a certain affectation*** of natural virtue... and are bound as well by a stringent oath sworn upon the Sacred Bible, as by imposition of heavy penalties to conceal under inviolable silence, what they secretly**** do in their meetings" (Pope Clement XII, In eminenti, March 13, 1826 - the first Papal condemnation of Freemasons in the first part of the 19th century)

Men of all religions: they propagate the error of Indifferentism. "This perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintained" (Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari vos, August 15, 1832). "They thereby teach the great error of this age - that a regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter, and that all religions are alike. This manner of reasoning is calculated to bring about the ruin... especially of the Catholic religion, which, as it is the only one that is true, cannot without great injustice, be regarded as merely equal to [other creeds]" (Pope Leo XIII, ibid.).

They therefore assail, in the mind of the faithful, the position of the Catholic Church: God's sole vessel of salvation in Jesus Christ Who alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Jn. 14.6): As Thou hast sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world (Jn. 17.18) so that he who will not hear the Church, let him be... as the heathen and publican (Mt. 18.17) who sacrifice to devils, and not to God (1 Cor. 10.20). Against their error, Pope Gregory XVI teaches: "With the admonition of the Apostle that there is one Lord, one Faith, one baptism (Eph. 4.5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself Who said he that is not with Me, is against Me (Lk. 11.23), and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore, without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic Faith whole and inviolate" [quoting the "Symbol of St. Athanasius"].
*** With a certain affectation of natural virtue: that is, they pretend to be philanthropists, champions of liberty and progress, men of reason and science.

**** Bound by sworn oath and inviolable silence as to their secret doings: "to which one can apply this maxim: Good things welcome publicity, criminal deeds are hidden" (Pope Benedict XIV, Providas, March 18, 1751).

... and leads to 'liberty of conscience'

"From this poisoned source of indifferentism flows that false and absurd, or rather extravagant, maxim that liberty of conscience should be established and guaranteed to each man - a most contagious error, to which leads that absolute and unbridled liberty of opinion which for the ruin of Church and State spreads over the world, and which some men, by unbridled impudence, fear not to represent as advantageous to the Church. 'And what more certain death for souls,' says St. Augustine, 'than the liberty of error!'" (Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari vos).

That is, "everyone," Archbishop Lefebvre explains, "is entitled to his own morality and his own faith, that he can do as he pleases and believe what he wants" (op cit., 194). "This," Archbishop Lefebvre concludes, "is unacceptable" (ibid.). The phrase liberty of conscience "must be properly understood," the Archbishop points out, "for we also demand liberty of conscience, so that no one can force our consciences to adopt error... For [Catholicism], liberty of conscience means the freedom of the soul to adhere to the [T]ruth" (ibid.).

Now, against Naturalism - the foundation upon which the whole of the modern mentality of subversion rests - let it's error be betrayed by the naturally practical contradictions of its proponents and adherents: the enactment and enforcement of laws, adjudication of conflicts, State-inflicted punishments for crimes, maintenance and even the strengthening of police and military forces - all of which vindicate the Catholic position: the truth of divine revelation on Original Sin and all that it entails.

The verdict of the Chair: "We.... have determined and decreed that these same Societies, Meetings, Gatherings, Lodges or Conventicles of Freemasons, or by whatever other name called... in the plenitude of Apostolic Power, should be condemned and prohibited, as by this present Constitution We do condemn and prohibit them.

Wherefore, we direct the faithful in Christ, all and singly, of whatever status, grade, dignity and pre-eminence, whether laymen or clerics as well secular or regular, strictly and in virtue of holy obedience, that no one, under any pretext or farfetched rationale dare or presume to enter the above-mentioned Societies of Freemasons, or otherwise named; or to propagate, foster or receive them whether in their houses or elsewhere, and to conceal them, or be present at them, or to afford them the opportunity or facilities for being convened anywhere, or otherwise to render them advice, help, or favor, openly or in secret, directly or indirectly, of themselves or through the agency of others in whatever way...; but in every particular to abstain utterly as they are in duty bound from the same Societies... under pain of excommunication... incurred ipso facto... and which can only be absolved by the Sovereign Pontiff" (Pope Clement XII and Pope Benedict XIV).

All the judgments of Thy justice are forever. Thou  hast despised all them that fall off from Thy judgments; for their thought is unjust (Ps. 118.160,118).

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima: "MANY souls go to hell..."


Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

This day and on exactly the same date, 19th August, ninety-five years ago, the Apocalyptic Great Sign in heaven appeared again at Fatima in Portugal. She came on 13th of August but the children failed to see Her, being held by the Masonic local powers, while the curious people gathered around noticed signs of Her silent visitation.

Our Lady, with the same serious countenance (as in Her previous visitations) but with tender gaze, told the children to continue going to the Cova da Iria on the thirteenth and praying Her holy Rosary everyday. Then, She promised that "in the last month [October], I will perform a miracle so that all may believe." Lastly, with Our Lady looking sadder, Sr. Lucia, C.D., writes, "She recommended anew the practice of mortification, saying lastly, 'Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hell because there are none to sacrifice and to pray for them.'"

"She recommended anew the practice of mortification... 'Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices..." Our Blessed Mother clearly underscores here the reason why "MANY souls" walk along the wide, smooth, and nice path leading to their eternal damnation in hell: the waning or loss of the Catholic spirit, especially among the clergy and the religious, sal terrae (the salt of the earth, Mt.  5.13) - "there are none to sacrifice and to pray for them."

Our Lord marks the true Christian spirit this way: If any man come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Mt. 16.24). Of Old, the Eternal Word already delineated what His Cross would entail: Draw near to me, ye unlearned... I have opened My mouth, and have spoken... and gather yourselves together into the house of discipline... and submit your neck to the yoke, and let your soul receive discipline (Ecclus. 51.31,33,34). And so the Apostles admonish, be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind (Rom. 12.1) - that is,  let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: He humbled Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the Cross (Phil. 2.5,8); Be subject to... your prelates... for obedience to the Faith (1 Pet. 5.5; Heb. 13.17; Rom. 1.5); And they that are Christ's have crucified their flesh, with the vices and concupiscences (Gal. 5.24). Thus, those who only truly possess the Spirit of Christ, those who, signed by the seal of the living God [the Sacrament of Baptism - the Sacrament of Faith] (Apoc. 7.2) on their foreheads, are humble in mind (Ecclus. 10.21) - that is, those who submit their reason to the Divine Reason through adherence to the constant teachings and moral precepts (cf., 2 Thess. 2.14), "whole and entire" (the Symbol of St. Athanasius), of the Catholic religion can submit to the yoke of God: the Cross of Christ; for, Jesus, the author and finisher of Faith, Who having joy set before Him, endured the Cross (Heb. 12.2) - My just man liveth by Faith (Heb. 10.38) for the truly divine Faith... worketh true charity (Gal. 5.6). "Many souls go to hell..." because when the light of the Catholic Faith is lost, the fire of divine charity is extinguished with it.* "There are none to sacrifice and pray for them" because men of charity are necessarily men of the Faith.

* "We experience it daily," notes Martin Luther, "that the people are seven times worse today than ever before under the Papacy..." (in one of his last sermons at his own Wittenberg).

"Many souls go to hell." Our Immaculate Mother, She who crushes the head [the proud mind] of Satan which spews, as it were, on mankind the poison of his subtle errors, gives the lie, many decades in advance, to those who would later adopt the 'universalist salvation' (that a man when he dies and is thought of and hailed by many as 'good' goes straight to heaven) of the current Neo-Catholic thinking (cf., "What is Truth?").

That "many souls go to hell," with its implication that the Christian spirit is losing its hold - this was in the early 20th century, 1917 - brings us to what Our Blessed Mother, in Her title "Our Lady of Good Success", told the Servant of God the Reverend Mother Mariana de Jesus** in Her fourth apparition on January 21, 1610: "I make it known to you that from the end of the 19th century and from shortly after the middle of the 20th century [Our Lady told Sr. Lucia that the "Third Secret" of Fatima was to be revealed in 1960, cf., "Our Lady and the New Orientation in Rome"]... the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs, for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects. They will focus principally on the children in order to sustain this general corruption. Woe to the children of these times! Freemasonry... will then be in power... The Devil... will labor with cruel and subtle astuteness to deviate the ministers of the Lord from the spirit of their vocation and will corrupt many of them. These depraved priests... will scandalize the Christian people, will make the hatred of bad Catholics [who, when reproached by priests for their immodest and licentious life, would be eager to return the reproach - as the devil would do in exorcism: "Shut up. You're all no better than we are," their excuse for their wallowing all the more in their state of subversion] and the enemies of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church fall upon all priests. Further, in these unhappy times, there will be unbridled luxury which will ensnare the rest into sin and conquer innumerable frivolous souls who will be lost. Innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women." And in Her 5th apparition of February 2, 1610 to the Servant of God: "During that epoch the Church will find herself attacked by terrible hordes of the Masonic sect... the corruption of customs, unbridled luxury, the impious press... secular education [curriculum inculcating the "new religion" and the "new morality" (now "sex education") of Masonic-run "Republic", cf., "The Forgotten Triumph of Our Lady of Fatima", rather than conformity to the traditional teachings and moral precepts of the Catholic Church]. The vices of impurity, blasphemy, and sacrilege will dominate in this time of depraved desolation..."
** On August 8, 1986, the Archbishop of Quito, Ecuador, Antonio J. Gonzales, after examining extensive data on her life, issued an Episcopal decree to initiate the Cause of her Beatification. The Archbishop named Msgr. Luis E. Cadena y Almeida as Postulator of her Cause. From that time until his death, Msgr. Cadena y Almeida demonstrated in his works - many of which were published with Ecclesiastical approval - the sanctity of life of Mother Mariana and the truth of the prophecies she received in the visits (40 in number) of Our Lady of Good Success (taken from Chiesa Viva, Mensile di Formazione e Cultura Direttore and The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success, February 2009).

Why this "depraved desolation" that comes with the loss of the Christian spirit? Pope Benedict XIV reproaches the heads of State in 1751: "Would to God that those who possessed the power would have known how to appreciate these decrees as much as the salvation of religion and the State required. Would to God that they had been convinced that they should see in the Roman Pontiffs, the successors of Peter, not only pastors and the head of the Catholic Church, but also the firmest stay of the governments and the most vigilant watchmen to discover the perils of society! Would to God that they had exercised their power to fight and to destroy the sects whose perfidy had been made known to them by the Apostolic See. Then they would have succeeded" (Providas). The devil had these State authorities first to enter his party "by becoming members of the Masonic Lodges" (Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana on the Feast of Corpus Christi, 1623) in order for him to deprive the Church of her arm that executes her decrees thus rendering her forceless against his visible minions. Pope Leo XIII at the end of the 19th century, 1884, now appealing to all the Bishops and to all Christians of good will***: "Whatsoever the Roman Pontiffs, Our predecessors have decreed for the purpose of opposing the undertakings and endeavors of the Masonic sect, and whatsoever they have enacted to deter or withdraw men from societies of this kind, We ratify and confirm it all by Our Apostolic authority... We pray and beseech each one, for the sake of his eternal salvation, to be most conscientiously careful not to depart from what the Apostolic See has commanded in this matter"  (Humanum genus). I have opened My mouth, and have spoken (Ecclus. 51.33) but "many" were heedless, "many" were impervious, nay, "many," deluded by the spirit of the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9) and bearing the character of the beast... on their foreheads (Apoc. 16.12; 20.4)  claim: Who is Lord over us... that we should serve Him? And what doth it profit us, if we pray to Him? Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of Thy ways (Ps. 11.5; Job 21.15; 21.14).
 *** The Roman Pontiff could no longer count on the 'Catholic' princes: "ensnared... by smooth speeches and by adulation. Ingratiating themselves with rulers under a pretense of friendship, the Freemasons have endeavored to make them their allies and powerful helpers for the destruction of the Christian name... In like manner they have by flattery deluded the people" (Humanum genus).

The constant Papal condemnation of the Freemasons and their fundamental doctrines which constitute the spirit of the modern age driving souls - indeed "various nations" (cf., "The Great Secret of Fatima" and "Our Lady, Vatican II, and the Annihilation of Nations") - into the wide, wide smoothly paved, nice road to hell... to be continued. 

Related post: "The Anti-Christian Conspiracy: A theory - the Synagogue; A Fact - the Catholic Church"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Anti-Christian Conspiracy: Scriptural Truth and Historical Fact


Feast of the Solemnity of the Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

Thou... hast prevented our ruin in the presence of God (Jdt. 13.15, from the Epistle of today's Feast)

Holy Church teaches us in her Spiritual Theology that the devil leads us to our spiritual ruin by conspiracy. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, the devil "has not ceased to attack the children of Adam or to lay snares for them" (The Very Reverend A. Tanquerey, S.S., D.D., in his classic The Spiritual Life). The Eternal Word of Truth reveals it: They will shoot at him... resolute in wickedness. They have talked of hiding snares; they have said: Who shall see them? (Ps. 63.6). However, the evil one can not act directly on our intellect and will - man's highest spiritual faculties which "God has kept... as a sanctuary for Himself, [a sanctuary where] God alone can enter there and touch the mainspring of the will without doing violence to it" (ibid.). What the devil generally does is to conspire with the world and the disordered passions (as the reckless lust for pleasure, sensible goods, and the marked proneness to pride) of our fallen nature - an assault from without and... from within. 

The evil spirits are furious against man for "the knowledge that a creature of earth will occupy [their] places in heaven," says St. Thomas Aquinas, "causes [them] more pain than the flames of hell." These same perverted spirits know that they will one day be judged by the saints (cf., 1 Cor. 6.3). But the devil's great object is to effect the ruin of the Church the Savior Jesus Christ founded upon Cephas ("rock" in the original Aramaic) and constituted to be the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim. 3.15) for all ages (The gates of hell shall not prevail against it - Mt. 16.18: 28.20; Jn. 14.16), which the infernal enemy knows is God's "means of destroying his power on earth [cf., 1 Jn. 3.8]" (Fr. Spirago, The Catechism Explained).

They have plotted against Me (Ps. 139.9).

To destroy the Son of man, the devil conspired with the Jews - elected by God to be His vessel in spreading the hope of redemption and salvation in the Blood of the Divine Lamb Jesus Christ. Say ye not: a conspiracy: for all that this people speaketh is a conspiracy (Is. 8.12). A conspiracy is found among the men of Juda, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Jer. 11.9). There is a conspiracy of prophets in the midst thereof (Ezech. 22.25). And the Pharisees, going out, made a consultation against Him, how they might destroy Him (Mt. 12.14). And they consulted together, that by subtlety they might apprehend Jesus, and put Him to death (Mt. 26.4). And the Pharisees going out, immediately made a consultation with the Herodians, how they might destroy Him (Mk. 3.6). Hence, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ refers to them and their generation* as the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9).
* His blood be upon us and our children (Mt. 27.25).

They have taken a malicious counsel against Thy people**, and have consulted against Thy saints. They have said: Come and let us destroy them, so that they be not a nation... (Ps. 82.4,5). Against the Apostle Paul: the Jews consulted together to kill him (Ac. 9.23). And against the Church, Satan devised "crypto-Jewry" (Cecil Roth, the celebrated contemporary Jewish historian, in his The History of the Marranos, Buenos Aires: Editorial Israel, 1946): False brethren unawares brought in who came in privately... that they might bring us into servitude [to confine the Church to a subordinate position to the Synagogue] (Gal. 2.4). Certain men... secretly entered in... ungodly men, turning the grace of God into riotousness, and denying the Only Sovereign Ruler and Our Lord Jesus Christ (Jude 4). 
** The persecution of the Church is the persecution of its Head, the Lord Jesus Christ (cf., Ac. 9.1-5). 

The most destructive turn of this "crypto-Jewry" was when it assumed this face of the so-called Jewish "Fifth Column" in the bosom of Christianity: the mock-clergy. This was revealed by a letter of instruction sent by the secret leader of international Jews from his seat in Constantinople to the Jews in France at the end of the 15th century: ".... Beloved brother [Chamor Rabino de Arles] in Moses, we have received your letter, in which you report of your anxieties of soul and the misfortune which you must bear. We suffer this sorrow with you. The advice of the Grand Rabbis and Satraps of our laws runs as follows: You say that the King of France compels you to become Christians. Well then, do his will, but preserve the law of Moses in your hearts. You say that they wish to seize your goods with violence. Let you children become merchants, so that through trade they may rob the Christians of their property. You say that there is a striving after your life. Let your sons become doctors and chemists, so that they can take life from the Christians without having to fear punishment. You say that your synagogues are destroyed. Let your sons become priests and abbots, so that they can destroy the Christian Church [cf., our post "The Neo-Catholic Scandals and The Year 1929"]. You say that you are oppressed in other ways. Let your sons become lawyers or notaries or undertake some other profession which has usually to do with public affairs. Thus you will rule the Christians, you will gain control of their land and avenge yourselves upon them. Follow the commands which we give you and experience will so teach you that, although you are now downtrodden, you attain the high point of power. Signed V.S.S.V.E.F. Prince of the Jews of Constantinople to the leader of Casleo, 1489" (in The Plot Against the Church, published by the "Syndicate of Cardinals" - as referred to by a "distinguished Hierarch of Masonry", Mr. Martin Luiz Guzman, in his weekly Tiempo, N. 1119, Vol. XIII, p. 60, published in Mexico City on 14 October 1963 - of the Roman Curia under the pseudonym "Maurice Pinay" - and distributed to the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council as a last attempt to save the Council from the modern "Judaizers").  This Jewish "Fifth Column" succeeded in seizing the Holy See when the Cardinal Jew Pierleoni sat on the Chair of Peter as Pope Anacletus II until his death. However, God raised St. Bernard and St. Norbert to help free the Church from Jewry which was finally dealt a severe blow by the exiled legitimate Roman Pontiff, Pope Innocent II, when he called the Second Lateran Council (declaring that the acts of Anacletus were illegal and deposing all the priests, bishops, and cardinals of Anacletus) and constantly purged the clergy of the Jewish mock-clergy until it came to a point when it was already impossible for the Synagogue of Satan to infiltrate the hierarchy.

The Synagogue of course did not stop in plotting to inflict ruin on Christ's Church. According to Joshua Jehuda,  considered to be an important contemporary 'spiritual' leader of the Synagogue: "... Three breaches have been opened," that is, three attempts "to amend the suffocating, paralyzing effects of Christian theology." "The Renaissance, the Reformation, and the [Masonic] 1789 Revolution [also known as the French Revolution]," says Jehuda, "constitute three attempts to rectify Christian mentality by bringing into tune with the progressive development of reason and science... and as when dogmatic Christianity relaxes, the Jews gradually free themselves from control" (L'Antisemitisme, Miroir du Monde [British Museum reserve], 1958, pp. 170-2). In the document Alta Vendita (the "Masonic blueprint for the subversion of the Catholic Church"), ordered by the Holy See to be published, the Synagogue of Satan takes up again the assault of Jewish "Fifth Column" infiltration of the clergy (cf., our post, "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage").

As in Fatima, Portugal the Great Sign in heaven (Apoc 12.1, from the Introit of today's Mass) warned us of the red dragon's assault (cf., our post, "The Great Secret of Fatima"), so did the Holy Church warned us, by Pope Clement XII (In eminenti, 1738), by Pope Benedict XIV (who confirmed and renewed Pope Clement XII's Apostolic Constitution in Providas, 1751), by Pope Pius VII (Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo, 1821), by Pope Leo XII (which put together all the acts and decrees of former Roman Pontiffs on this last subject and ratified and confirmed them "forever" in his Quo graviora, 1825), by Pope Pius VIII (Traditi, 1829), by Pope Gregory XVI (Mirari vos, 1832), many times over by Pope Pius IX (Qui pluribus, 1846, etc.), and Pope Leo XIII (Humanum genus, 1884; Custodi, 1892) on the Synagogue's secret assault in the form of Freemasonry. Regrettably, as the Great Sign in heaven was ignored in Her warnings by no less than the hierarchy, so was also the Holy Church in her warnings, decrees, and ex cathedra repeated condemnation of Freemasonry and its principles (cf., "On Vatican II 'Religious Liberty'"). Therefore, the kings of the earth stood up , and the princes met together, against the Lord and against His Christ. Let us break their bonds asunder: and let us cast away their yoke from us (Ps. 2.2-3: 2 Thess. 2.3); and they that hate Thee have made their boasts, in the midst of Thy solemnity... they have defiled the dwelling place of Thy name on the earth (Ps. 73.4,7) [cf., "The Catholic Sanctuary (II)" redesigned according to the inner style of a Masonic Lodge].

But "... let us raise Our eyes and hands to the Most Holy Virgin, who alone crushes all heresies [cf., Gen. 3.15: Ipsa conteret (She shall crush)], and is Our greatest reliance and the whole reason of Our hope... that She... may show Her power over these evil sects, in which is revived the contumacious spirit of the demon, together with his unsubdued perfidy and deceit" (Popes Gregory XVI in his Mirari vos and Leo XIII in his Humanum genus).

And the dragon was angry against the Woman: and went to make war with the rest of Her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Apoc. 12.17).

Behold, I will make them [of the Synagogue of Satan] to come and adore before thy feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee (Apoc. 3.9).

A blessed Feast to all!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Ephpheta" (Be thou opened!)


Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

And they bring to Him one deaf and dumb (Mk. 7.32). Before this scene related in today's Gospel (Mk. 7.31-37), Our Lord delivered the daughter of a Gentile mother distressed over the condition of her child who had an unclean spirit (v. 25). Hence, in the Traditional Rite of Baptism of the Holy Church, a solemn exorcism precedes the Ephphetha (Our Lord's command in Aramaic which means "Be thou opened," v.34, which the minister pronounces as he touches, what the Master did in the Gospel today, the ears with saliva) - but all of which are suppressed in the Neo-Catholic Rite of 'Baptism' (cf., our post "The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism'" on the New 'Catholic Theology' and its consequences).

A soul under the action of the devil (not necessarily possessed by the devil) is therefore said to be deaf and dumb. Deaf, that is, impervious to the Word of God and therefore walk not according to the Commandments of God and the Traditional teachings and moral discipline of the Church which, divinely constituted to be the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim. 3.15) for all ages (The gates of hell shall not prevail against it - Mt. 16.18: 28.20; Jn. 14.16), the Eternal Truth commanded to be heard (cf., Mt. 18.17). 

Two Saturdays ago, in the 'red'-protest-prayer-rally called by the official Catholic hierarchy in the Philippines  against the UN-sponsored "population control" legislation (in the so-called interest of 'economic development' concern), cf., our post "Forgotten Triumph of Our Lady," a priest (a certain Fr. Melvin) addressed the faithful, in the presence of attending bishops, after the Communion part of the 'Eucharistic service': "To our President [a 'Catholic'], if YOU DO NOT WANT TO LISTEN TO THE BISHOPS AND PRIESTS, THAT'S JUST OK. To our legislators [majority of whom are 'Catholics'], if YOU DO NOT WANT TO LISTEN TO PRIESTS AND BISHOPS, THAT'S JUST OK, TOO..." How could they leave souls deaf? From one angle, that attitude only betrays the kind of pastors whom the hierarchy clothes with 'official priestly legitimacy'. Pastors deafened by the error of Liberalism cannot redeem souls deafened also by the same error. From another angle, the people that has always murmured and groaned against the yoke of Christ Crucified and His Church - desiring a convenient form of Religion allowing them to both enjoy God up there and the world down here - deserved their chastisement: heaping to themselves pastors who meet their longed-for 'up-to-date' form of Catholicism. For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears (2 Tim. 4.3). Because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying... (2 Thess. 2.10). 

The lie? "Even if you choose not to listen to God through the voice of His 'legitimate' ministers (cf., Mal. 2.7: Deut. 17.9,10,11-12; 21.5; 1 K 2.28; Jer. 33.22; Ezech. 44.23,24; Mt. 18.17), it is just OK" ["for the (g)od of all tender mercy and compassion understands your situation*" - leading one to the conclusion that disobedience is actually inconsequential!]. And so, the Word of God describes the miserable condition of those who are under the sway of the devil: deaf AND DUMB. Dumb, because they spoke not right (v. 35) - deprived of "the light of [God's] wisdom [symbolized by the imposition of the exorcised salt on the one to be baptized - suppressed also in the Neo-Catholic Rite of 'Baptism']... true knowledge... sound judgment... and a grasp of holy doctrine" (from the prayer on the last imposition of hands of God's minister in the Traditional Rite of Baptism).   
* Here, God's goodness is offered as justification to propose Tillich's existentialism: God adjusting His truth and the moral discipline it ordains relative to man's existential situation together with what anguished men as a rule find thinkable and acceptable in this situation. Man, in his present psychological crises vis-a-vis a seemingly 'muted remote God' and the seeming contradictions in His religion, here replaces God still as the measure of what is true and therefore of what is good.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Vatican II and Freemasonry on 'Religious Liberty'


The Vigil of St. Lawrence, Martyr

The Roman Pontiff as the Sovereign
Vicar of Christ the King
In his July 19 message to the members of the Knights of Columbus in the US for their 130th Supreme Convention next week, our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, calls Catholic men to defend "religious freedom".

"The theme of this year's Supreme Convention - Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land - evokes not only [1] the great biblical ideals of freedom and justice which shaped the founding of the United States of America, but also the responsibility of each new generation to preserve, defend and advance those great ideals in its own day," states the Papal message. "By [2] defending the right of all religious believers, as individual citizens and in their institutions, to work responsibly in shaping a democratic society inspired by their deepest beliefs, values and aspirations, your Order has proudly lived up to the high religious and patriotic principles which inspired its founding." 

[1] The United States of America was founded rather on the Masonic revolutionary 1789 ideals. The founding document attests to it. Whereas, the Scriptural ideals are fulfilled only under the reign of Christ the King - Whose sovereign dominion reflected in the Traditional Catholic Order of things every Masonic "Republic" rejects.  That Masonic revolutionary ideals and the Scriptural ideals meet is but a hypothetical dialectics inherent in every delusive paradigm - especially that of a "liberal Catholic" mind.

[2] Religious liberty in its authentic Catholic sense - as had been consistently taught by the Chair of Peter - concerns the State protection, fostering, and defense of the Catholic Church, the dominion of Christ the King, and its interests only. It does not concern other creeds - which are essentially errors that lead souls to the worship of the devil (cf., Dt. 30.17, DRV) - though they MAY BE TOLERATED in certain conditions. The defense of " the right of all religious believers, as individual citizens and in their institutions, to work responsibly in shaping a democratic society inspired by their deepest beliefs, values and aspirations" is an error which proceeds from the Masonic revolutionary 1789 propositions 15* (Indifference and False Tolerance) and 77** (Modern Liberalism) condemned "ex cathedra" by Pope Pius IX in his Syllabus of Errors
* "Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true." Vatican II: "The Vatican Council declares that the human person has a right to religious freedom. Freedom of this kind means that all men should be immune from coercion [Our Lord said that those who will not believe the Gospel He entrusts to His Apostles and their successors shall be condemned (Mk. 16.16) - hence the anathemas pronounced by the Chair of St. Peter]... nor... be restrained from acting in accordance with his convictions in religious matters.... because they are persons, that is, beings endowed with reason and free will.... as long as the just requirements of public order are observed" (Dignitatis Humanae, I, 2).

** "In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship." Vatican II: "... Provided the just requirements of public order are not violated... Religious communities... have a RIGHT to... organize themselves according to their own principles... have the further RIGHT not to be prevented from publicly teaching and bearing witness to their beliefs ["their errors" in traditional Catholic parlance]...." (Dignitatis Humanae, I, 4). 

It is true that the conditions have changed - Catholic States, supposed to be defending the liberty of Christ's kingdom on earth, have overthrown the yoke of the sovereign dominion of Christ the King by constitutionally repudiating the Catholic Creed - but there can never be justification for the adoption of the worldly mentality of "why not join them when you can not beat them." And so the Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of His people, and its princes... Woe to you, apostate children, saith the Lord, that you would take counsel, and not of Me: and would begin a web, and not by My spirit, that you might add sin upon sin (Is. 3.14; 30.1).   

Related posts: "What is Truth?"; "A perilous 'Catholic' voyage"

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Forgotten Triumph of Our Lady of Fatima


First Saturday of the Month

The official Catholic hierarchy in the Philippines summons today the faithful to a prayer rally-'red' protest against the Judeo-Masonic-UN sponsored 'population-control' bill before that the lower house of the Philippine Congress votes on it.

This Judeo-Masonic proposed legislation, sponsored through the Synagogue's organ of modern-day world domination - the United Nations - contravenes the divine law against contraception, cf., Gen. 38.8-10 - a sin punished by God with death for procreation is the GOOD ordained or intended by God in availing of that pleasure He attached in the use of sexual powers (which use is in turn a share in God's power over life). Thus, "the Synagogue of Satan" (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9), through its sponsored legislative measure to FINALLY make OFFICIAL a fitting NEW MORALITY for a "Republic" that has long since espoused its NEW RELIGION (the Constitutional separation of the Church and the State), subtly incites the Filipino nation to the same ancient diabolical proposal: to officially contest, as a nation this time, with God as to who should really decide on what is good - for the body especially in its 'private matters'.

On October 5, 1910 when Freemasonry*, after working for 150 years, finally brought Catholic Portugal to its knees before the Jewish Synagogue by overthrowing the monarchy [the Catholic Church has been divinely constituted to be an absolute monarchy], Magalhaes Lima, the grand master of the Portuguese Masonry, proclaimed later at an international Masonic Congress: "Here we are united... sharing the same thought... the same feeling and an identical desire. It is the thought, the idea, of a NEW MORALITY, of a NEW RELIGION" (The Cardinal of Chile, "Freemasonry Unveiled," Christian Book Club of America, 5th Printing, 1992, p. 80). The NEW RELIGION of the Judeo-Masonic-run "Republic of Portugal" featured the separation of the Church and the State while its NEW MORALITY called for the legalization of divorce.
* Freemasonry, being the non-militant tentacle of the Synagogue in its battle against Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom - the Catholic Church - and therefore has for its "ultimate purpose... the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Catholic teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things..." (Pope Leo XIII, "Humanum Genus"), is condemned "ex cathedra" for its being Satanic in its principles. Catholics who join them, receive them in their houses, afford them the opportunity or facilities for being convened, or render them help or favor openly or secretly incur excommunication (Pope Clement XII, "In Eminenti").
The Catholic hierarchy of Portugal, seeing the assault on the soul of their nation to be diabolical (as what the Chair of St. Peter consistently warned) did not resort to half-measures - as the official Catholic hierarchy of the Philippines does today, on the other hand, in the face of the persistent anti-Christian storm raging around. They embraced wholeheartedly the divine solution brought by the Immaculate Woman of the Apocalypse - She who shall crush the head of Satan - in Her Fatima visitation. They solemnly consecrated their nation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the miraculous turn-around of their nation to the sovereign dominion of Christ the King was already history (cf., our post "When Mary Comes (III)"). "What has taken place in Portugal proclaims the miracle. And it foreshadows what the Immaculate Heart of Mary has prepared for the world" (Cardinal Cerejeira). Sadly, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) lost for their nation - which happens to be placed under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception -  the opportunity God has given today.