
Sunday, February 28, 2016

"Be not ashamed to say the truth" (Ecclus. 4.24)


Third Sunday in Lent

"The devil was dumb..."

The devil leads souls to their eternal damnation but not with their eyes open as to the malice of sin (never mind the rights and claims of God) that they may not see the evil they seek under the seemingly true and good: for their own malice blinded them (Wis. 2.21); and, falling into sin, he makes them dumb, that through shame, they may conceal their guilt in Confession. Thus, the devil drives souls to hell by a double chain: of transgression wherein we would be as gods on the judgment seat over what is good and evil; and, of a still greater sin of sacrilege in concealing our sins before the tribunal of Our Lord - at the Confessional.

Set a door, O Lord, round about my lips (Ps. 140.3). We should keep a door to our mouth, says St. Augustine, that it may be closed against detraction, calumny, blasphemies, swearings and cursings, immodest and idle talk; silence and restraint against these things is an act of virtue; but, silence in confessing our sins with contrite heart is to be silent on our ailing soul in which fatal (mortal) ulcers and gangrenous sores are festering.

God has made sin shameful that we may abstain from it but gives confidence in confessing it by promising us pardon if we confess our sins with compunction of heart. The devil, on the contrary gives confidence to sin by holding out false hopes of pardon - speaking by the putrid blasphemous mouth of the muddle-headed Antipope Bergogrelio: "the [g]od of justice does not condemn" (cf. our post, the "NEW 'Catholic THEOlogy'" of Vatican II: "The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II-Catholicism") for he ever waits our conversion, seeks not the separation of sinners; after sin, he inspires shame to prevents its exposure by Sacramental Confession.

The foolishness behind the shame the devil inspires in a sinner is refuted by the written Word of God: there is a shame that brings glory and grace (Ecclus. 4.25). Before a secular tribunal, our acknowledgement of our guilt brings condemnation; but, before the tribunal of Our Lord is our pardon and the crown of eternal glory. How could we be afraid of the reproof of our Confessor and yet fear not the rebuke of the Eternal Omniscient Judge at the hour of death and on the Last Judgment: I will discover thy shame to thy face, and will show thy wickedness to the nations (Nah. 3.5). "The devil," says St. Ambrose, "keeps an account of our sins to charge us with them before God." To "prevent such accusation, we must anticipate our accuser accusing ourselves before our Confessor that no accuser could stand against us before the tribunal of Our Lord."

If we excuse our sin, according to St. Augustine, we shut it up within our soul and therefore we shut out pardon for even just one single mortal sin we refuse to deplore before God's tribunal; thus, we suffer, according to St. Alphonsus, an anticipation of hell.

To cast out this dumb devil, the finger of God - the Spirit of Truth - points out and exposes to us the point of our departure and separation from God under the light of the truth. The finger of God presents to and convinces us of a hard truth our ego, with all its vainglory, pretensions, love for what is easy, convenient, comfortable, and the emotionally good, evades. This very moment - this moment of the truth - is the moment of our salvation. This is the ground of our saving union with Him Who is the Omnipotent. This is that pure ground of the Lord and Savior where the lying spirits have no part whatsoever (against the 'ecumenical' madness of the disoriented Rome and Menzingen). For thy soul, be not ashamed to say the truth (Ecclus. 4.24). The truth is not only for the good of one's soul; it is the good also of others' - wherefore, Catholic Resistance must also speak not only against the "New World Order" but also against the pseudo-Church of Vatican II (a 'Church' for the "New World Order" of Freemasonry) and the 'extraordinary' integration into that same poisoned pasture prepared for the precursor of the Antichrist - the Antipope in Rome - being pursued by the mainstream-SSPX hierarcy, alongside sedevacantism

Monday, February 8, 2016

Christian Redemptive Suffering


Feast of St. John of Matha

Lord, that I may see (Lk. 18.41).

The Holy Gospel for the past Quinquagesima Sunday announces the approaching Passion and Death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is not the first time, though. Holy Church points out what St. Luke noted: the Apostles did not understand and the word was hid from them. The Apostles did not understand, imagining the Savior's mission to be like another pursuit of an earthly conqueror which is for the rebuilding of Israel; they were dreaming only of triumphs and of occupying the first places in the kingdom. The Savior's Passion and Death, then, was a cause of upset and scandal for them.

It is not by chance that immediately after the prediction of the Savior's bitter Passion and a most humiliating Death on the Cross, St. Luke recounts the healing of the blind man of Jericho. We are blind to the mystery of the redemptive suffering by the Cross for it strikes us in what we hold most near and dear - takes away from us what is not God and that which does not lead to God:

Pride of self-excellence and sufficiency - we extol our reason, talents, abilities, good qualities, intelligence on a pedestal of superiority but for which God does not provide a good solid ground; God does not require it yet and with a position in the service of Him and His interests (in which the interest of eternal happiness of others forms part). The Apostles in the Gospel were not so much concerned with the interest of identifying the reestablishment of the kingdom of Israel with the establishment of the reign of God in individuals and societies than as with the great privilege of having a say in the affairs of the kingdom.

Purely material ideal of life - we dream of earthly prosperity the "New World Order" offers with its comforts and pleasures even unto luxury: the fine food for the lusts of the flesh.

These cry out by silent or outspoken complaints against the arrangements of Divine Providence especially communicated to us by our legitimate superiors who stand in the place of our true God; or, by thousand pretexts and excuses of subterfuge or subtly planned ways of subversion to pursue rather their own alternative designs which, because out of the way of God's designs and order and devoid of the word of our legitimate superiors, must run into stupid inconsistencies by contradictions (the foundation of the religion of Antipope Bergogrelio, of the Fellayite 'SSPXism', and sedevacantism).

Let us not run the path of delusion. Can we be imagining that a new road is to built for us? Let us ask not to be exempted from this redemptive suffering of the Cross.