
Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Antichrist and Antipope Bergoglio - men of open lawlessness


Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We see the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Co-Redemptrix, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, submitting themselves today to laws by which they are not bound: the Eternal Word-made flesh does not need to be redeemed, nor the Apocalyptic Woman full of grace (Lk. 1.28) to be purified. These are lessons in humility and respect for the law of God.

But the lesson from the foulmouthed lawless ('dynamic') Antipope Bergoglio against 'confined Christians'...

"Obeying all the Commandments... this paralyzes you, too... it takes away hope, because it doesn't allow you to go forward." - on the very Feast day of St. John Chrysostom (27th January), the "golden-mouthed" Doctor of the Church. 

The last man to set himself OPENLY opposed to God and His Catholic Order of things - built on the Truth (the one true divine Faith authored by Jesus Christ, cf. Heb. 12.2) and God's laws, commandments, "and ceremonies" (Deut. 5.31, Vulg. Lat.) - is the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness, working with all the 'wondrous' powers of Satan; his precursor, the last Antipope, sets himself OPENLY opposed to God and His Order, working with all populist-humanist diabolical artifice of ancient 'concern' for man.