
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Bastard priesthood


"Priests will be FAR from their ideal" - Our Lady of Good Success @ Quito, Ecuador in the 17th c. prophesying about the "tampered"* priesthood - the new ecumenical 'Modernist' 'priesthood' since 1969 - to eclipse, as it were, the true (traditional) Catholic priesthood in "the greater part of the 20th c." "MANY will say to Me: Lord, Lord, did we not preach... cast out devils (@ the Confessional and by exorcisms)... and performed miracles (by valid Consecration) in Your Name? And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you: depart from Me you workers of iniquity" (Mt. 7.22-23).
* Pope John Paul II, originally on the "New 'Liturgy'" invented by the infiltrated Freemason, Bugnini.

In the miraculous multiplication of loaves and fish (today's Holy Gospel, Jn. 6.1-15, 4th Sunday in Lent - "Laetare Sunday"), prelude to the greater miracle of Transubstantiation and with it the multiplication of His Real Presence in holy Communion: "After that Jesus took the loaves: and when He had given thanks, HE DRISTRIBUTED to them that were set down." Jesus did not make void the Levitical unction of Old - only the consecrated hands of Levitical priests may handle the sacred - but raised it to its perfection. Paul VI, however, in introducing the Lutheran 'priesthood' - "presider" ("Institutio Generalis," Apr 1969) in Lutheran/Anglican 'liturgical' costumes in the institutional Church: "You have departed out of the way, and have caused many to stumble at the law: you have MADE VOID THE COVENANT OF LEVI" (Mal. 2.8); this invention later craved for yet another: "In that you have brought in strangers... in my sanctuary" (Ezech. 44.7) - the so-called 'extraordinary eucharistic lay/non-cleric ministers/mistresses (including the 'altar girls')'.

These condemned 'bastards' ("I never knew you...") dare claim that Catholic Resistance's is the illegitimate priesthood and ministry?

Monday, March 20, 2017

St. Joseph in this our end-times


Solemn Feast of St. Joseph
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin and Confessor

Of Old, Joseph was constituted by God as prince to oversee the salvation of the Hebrew people from a long period of famine - but governing in exile, in a land not of his own; having been betrayed and handed over as slave by his own elders.

Today, there is an unprecedented long period of famine in Christendom - lack of grace: "MANY... have the name of being alive, and [they] are dead," feeding on the temptations of the "New World disOrder" - the city of the devil where he grants in abundance bread and everything pleasurable to the flesh, stardom, and lands and riches he had once offered the Messias. This despite the easily-understood 'official' "New 'Liturgy'" widely and readily available - see the uselessness, powerlessness, of the "fabrication" (Card. Ratzinger) of an infiltrated Freemason in ecclesiastical trappings in sanctifying: what the "New" 'priesthood' could offer and yet theirs is the 'legitimate'/'licit' 'ministry'?

It was to St. Joseph's care that God entrusted the Blessed Virgin and Her Son; he was constituted the guardian of our Salvation. And to protect them, he had to take them and "FLEE" as he was commanded so by God. What we, Roman Catholic spiritual fathers, ought else do in guarding the Sacred in the face of hellish-bent "animus delendi" (the Vatican-II 'spirit' to destroy) than take the simple divine command "FLEE" (Mt. 24.16) and govern in exile when we have seen already the "abomination of desolation" set up in the Sacred Place (Mt. 24.15) - the Living Bread (if It is still there) no longer the object of greatest care BY GOD'S STANDARD in the sanctuary remodeled according to the Masonic blueprint. O, the guardianship of St. Joseph! over our #CatholicResistance fatherhood that we should not end up, as with SSPX soon, sitting with "the chair of pestilence" (Ps. 1.1) under the illusion that it is by "grace of office" that it could 'infiltrate' and 'conquer' the citadel handed over to the impious; or, in the way of false 'Pfeifferite Resistance' setting out on a mission but on its own under the illusion that the scenario at the foot of the Cross actually trickles down to the remnant with a "do-it-yourself" 'Superior General-Rector', than with an "episcopos" (Ac. 20.28), at the helm. May this glorious Patron grant by his petition what we in our power cannot obtain (Collect of the Mass). - Fr. John, C.D.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Antipope Bergoglio on married 'priests': '...holy spirit demands...'


Fresh from ecumenical harlotry with Lutheranism, Antipope Bergoglio, rather the infernal impure spirit in him, has pre-conceded into OPENING UP Neo-Catholic 'clergy' for full adaptation to a Protestant 'presider' living intimately with a woman (or also another 'man') by a closely related experimentation: with Vatican II-styled "viri probati", literally, "proven men", a.k.a 'lay ministers', ordained - contrary to the title carried by CatholicHerald-UK. 

Married men even of the Latin Rite could be allowed to ascend to the priesthood but on the condition that he no longer has dependent children and his wife consented (and to enter a monastery/convent) - the point: no Catholic priest living intimately with a woman as is the fancy of those apostates who take the libidinous Luther for their example.

Yet even then, that's the infernal call of duty for the "uncanonically-elected...destroyer" - to take away the truth of the priesthood as a special divine calling more exalted than the religious life - it is the "New" 'ecumenical priesthood' still, accommodated to Luther's error: common priesthood of all the baptized; and, to Freemasonry: egalitarianism.

And against to what he intends to lead this to, it is by a two-edged sword of His word that Our Lord will destroy the Antichrist; it is also by the same sword of the Spirit of Truth that should destroy the infernal head of the precursor of the Antichrist - Antipope Bergoglio...

"There are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. He that can take, let him take it." (Mt. XIX.12): "The rest..." (Apoc. XII.17) of the Roman Catholic clergy upon whom the obligation of the Divine Office is laid - "and they sung as it were a new canticle before the throne... and no man could say the canticle but those... who were not defiled with women: for they are virgins. These follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. These were purchased from among men, the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb: And in their mouth there was found no lie; for they were without spot before the throne of God" (Apoc. XIV.3,4-5).

"I would have you to be without solicitude. He that is without a wife, is solicitous for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please God. But he that is with a wife, is solicitous for the things of the world, how he may please his wife: and he is divided. And the unmarried... and the virgin thinketh on the things of the Lord, that [they]... may be holy both in body and in spirit.... And this I speak to your profit... and which may give you power to attend upon the Lord, without impediment." (I Cor. VII.32-33,34,35).

His 'holy spirit' may change mind - but "the counsel of the Lord stands forever" (Ps. 32.11). And the man of contradiction, in his recent ''Angelus address', counselled - the Protestant way - to use the 'Bible' the way one would use a gadget.

See also: Vatican II-ecumenical 'priesthood': "Priests for the devil"

Tuesday, March 7, 2017



Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas

Antipope Bergoglio: better an atheist than a 'hypocritical' Catholic

The atheist denies the very Source of all goodness in the first place - this is the beginning of hypocrisy: deliberate contradiction between his perverted conviction and his shots at philanthropy (a good our fallen nature is still capable of even deprived of charity, cf., Rom. XIII.3) which his fellow "stultus" in Papal trappings extols. Not necessarily and always the case with his 'hypocritical Catholic" - contradiction is most often than not as not by conviction as by weakness: easily a prey to human respect, passions, or vicious customs.

Better a 'hypocritical' Catholic in his calculation than a deliberate Antipope (for the devil had well forseen his fate and yet still: so be it! - the real "stultus": Latin of "stupid") - the true-blooded hypocritical 'Catholic'.