
Thursday, August 29, 2019

'Rainbow flag' fluttering everywhere - 'transformative' effect of the pseudo-Church


Beheading of St. John the Baptist

Why the Sacred Liturgy - the Mass, especially, being the life, power, sanctity, and sanity of the Church - came in the first order of business by the infiltrated revolutionaries (see more - "The Year 1929") at Vatican II (1962-1965). And so, since the revolutionary Council, since adapting to the Lutheran idea of the priest (a 'presider') and Mass (a 'banquet fellowship'), the mainstream-Church has turned 'Protestant' (no need for guidance and direction by the Church hierarchy; only what the 'Bible' says) - even worse: the mainstream-'Catholics' don't care what the Word, written and unwritten, has to say on their private or social affairs - having been fed with a "tampered liturgy" (Pope John Paul II) : "a fabricated liturgy... a banal on-the-spot product" (Pope Benedict XVI, then Card. Ratzinger). The Sacred (hidden even of Old) and the holy place have been violated - why abuse of the hidden part of the Christened body (temple of the Holy Ghost) by the sin of lust and its perversions (particularly, self-abuse and homosexuality) is notoriously named amongst the 'liberal Modernist Church' of Vatican II: "there shall be like people like priest" (Os. 4.9). The name "Catholic" has now become as "dung" : "They that were fed delicately have died in the streets; they that were brought up in scarlet have embraced the dung" (Lam. 4.5) ... thanks but no thanks to them and their "New disOrder" Rite of service of human invention. After Vatican II (1962-1965), since the "New disOrder" of 'liberal Modernist Catholic life' fed by Luther's 'Mass' (imposed in 1970 in our institutions to replace our traditional Tridentine Latin Mass) and the rest of the "New 'Sacraments'" such is the "TRANSFORMATIVE" effect of the "New disOrder of 'Mass' FALSELY so-called 'ORDINARYForm'...." 

"By their fruits you shall know [the New Vatican II-Church even 'helped' - so this seems to be supposed - by 1) 'Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)' Society mere-'SENSE of the sacred' groups under the noses of New-'Church' hierarchs and by 2) its new-kid-on-the-block - the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) who now recognizes it as still the true Catholic Church; that is, even TLM but under compromise with the New 'Catholic disOrder'" of Vatican II is "useless" (Fr. G. Amorth, ex-Vatican Chief Exorcist) ]" (Mt. 7.16). 

28th Aug 2019 Feast of St. Augustine - once a soul in error given over to lust; converted to Christ 1) by an uncompromised pastor of Him Who Is The Absolute Unchanging Truth and 2) the prayers and sacrifices of his #Katoliko mother 3) in true piety and, finally, TRANSFORMED into Christ 1) by our always legitimate (St. Thomas: grace-giving) Tridentine Rite of the Mass in Latin (along with the rest of our traditional Rite of Sacraments) - the sane life and power of the Church against the world, the flesh, and evil spirits, and 2) by the true Catholic life of discipline: our Saint under a religious Rule. 
Domus Sancti Ioseph, CALABARZON

When you shall see the abomination of desolation [Luther's reinvention of the Mass - "banquet" 'fellowship' hosted by 'presiders'] standing in the holy place... FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS [the true grace-giving Sacraments is now found OUTSIDE our institutions and to be found and received at some great cost - see, our "#CatholicResistance"]! (Mt. 24.15-16)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

True Catholic Mass: Union with God - "in truth and in justice;" not just in reverential form


St. Hyacinth
Octave Day of St. Lawrence, 3rd day in the Octave of the Assumption

And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: 
and they shall be my people, and I will be their God in truth and in justice
(Zach. 8.8).

The true Catholic Mass - not just valid but also, and importantly, legitimate [St. Thomas: grace-giving] - is to be found, in our days (since the placing of the Masonic-Protestant 'table' and its service of the "NEW 'Catholic THEO...'" <Mt. 24.15> in our Catholic Tridentine sanctuary), not in the hands of compromised presbyters tied to the mainstream-Church. "When you shall see the abomination of desolation... standing in the holy place... FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS [outside our familiar 'Catholic' institutions]" (Mt. 24.15,16) - "During that epoch… a time of sorrow and grief for all the faithful children of the Church, who, with their Prelates and pastors, would be FEW in number [#CatholicResistance]" (Our Lady of Good Success in Quito Ecuador, 21 Jan 1610). The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass PLEASING to God is not just in its 'solemn reverential form' (mere '#SenseOfTheSacred') but also in the hands of the acceptable representatives of His Son - conferred with His unchanging priestly character and office ("tampered with" in the "New" Rite; why MANY will be rejected as illegitimate bastards though exercising still valid priestly powers: workers still of "iniquity" <Mt. 7.22-23>) and whose mind have not got any least shadow of agreement with the "father of lies": "We [SSPX] adhere also to the ["New"] Rite of Sacraments [[LUTHER'S VERSION OF 'MASS' at the heart of those] LEGITIMATELY PROMULGATED by Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II" (Superior-General Declaration, "Cor Unum", April 2012) - the "New" is the norm (Ecclesia Dei 'conservatives'); "You cannot recognize and resist at the same time" (Sedevacantism) whereas, "One must resist the Pope who openly destroys the Church" (St. Cajetan).

Related posts - "The New 'Mass' in the Eyes of God" and "The New 'Mass' - always illegitimate even when valid still"