
Monday, December 16, 2013

"Dirigite Viam Domini!"


First Day of Novena in Honor of the Nativity of the Savior

Make straight the way of the Lord! (St. John the Baptist quoting the Prophet Isaias in the Holy Gospel yesterday, Gaudete Sunday) But how, what must we do? This question, however, points to our own little, personal efforts. Sacred Writ therefore teaches us, Lord what wilt Thou have me to do? (Acts 9.6) And the divine answer to which, "Let Me do as I will." - which means that we become as it were, other Christs, by filling our hearts with Him, living by Him and allowing Him to live in us: Be it done to me according to thy word, as Our Lady simply puts it.

The Lord and Savior must find pure reservoirs just as He made for Himself the Immaculate reservoir of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. But these vessels, especially those who wear the badge of the Immaculate - the holy Scapular of Carmel - to be like to their Immaculate Mother of Carmel which overflow and fertilize the world of souls, themselves must be full of the living waters springing up to life everlasting (cf., the Holy Gospel according to St. John, 4.14).

To attain this end, the first condition is that we should be empty. For One can only fill something which is empty. God will make this void in us.

We must be void of sin and the very source of it: the pride of 'liberalism' - refusal of total and complete submission to the consistent teachings and incontrovertible moral judgments of the King of kings and Lord of lords through His sovereign dominion, that is, His indefectible kingdom and "Mystical Body," the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Roman Church [distinguished from the mock-imitation which is the so-called "New 'Catholic' DisOrder" of Vatican II, cf., our post "The Year 1929", peddled by well-paid dim-witted dummy propagandists of the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9;3.9), the like of AP or the "Associated Press"], cf., our post yesterday "Rejoice, but in the Lord!" - and the very root of it: self-love. Also of petty interests, even of little personal preoccupations which are of course not in themselves bad; and, void of our too personal way of seeing and judging, even about 'spiritual' things - of sanctifying ourselves in our own little, narrow, easy, comfortable way: marking out our own little path in the convenient forms of 'modernist Catholicism' or the Neo-Catholicism of Vatican II [just as 'Bible-only' fundamentalist sectarianism is nothing but a 'convenient Christianity'] and the SSPX of Fellayite regime or the 'SSPX of Neo-Catholic DisOrder-integristic persuasion'. Otherwise, we cannot have even a little of that which was granted to Cephas: Surely thou art one of them, for even thy speech doth discover thee! (the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, 26.73) - to catch something of Our Lord's accent and way of speaking.


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    Second Day of Novena in Honor of the Nativity of the Lord and Savior

    But in order to be His docile instruments, able to give Him to others and radiate His LOVE DIVINE, we must live an intimate life of union with Him, heart to heart. He must take away - as He did to St. Margaret Mary - our narrow, selfish heart and give us His own Heart.

    But that is not sufficient.

    If He only place His Heart in our breast, there would only be two things there: His Heart and our own corrupt nature prone to evil, and this nature of ours would betray Him.

    We say therefore to Him: "Take my heart, and my soul, all that I have, all that I am!" The more generous we are, the more liberty the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will have to act in us, and consequently the more will He make us holy and sowers of holiness.

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    Third Day of Novena in Honor of the Nativity of the Lord and Savior
    Ember Wednesday (Day of Fasting and Abstinence)

    "Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me according to your word" (Lk. 1.38). "To serve the Lord," says the Rev. Fr. Mattheo, "is to be a master of His Heart, it is to possess Him by Faith."

    "He shall reign..." (Lk. 1.32). And we need Faith to recognize the rights of Jesus Christ: His sovereign - that is, total and complete - dominion over us body and soul, over our family, over nations, over all creation. But when Rome "[lost] the Faith" (Our Lady in France and in Portugal, cf., our post "The Queen of Heaven Cannot Remain Silent, So Can't We Either!") and handed over, in chastisement, to a Rotarian clown blasphemer sitting on the "Chair of the Truth" but as the dummy 'presiding officer' of the Neo-Catholic DisOrder: "there is no such thing as a Catholic God" (1st Oct interview published also by the "L'Osservatore Romano"; cf., our post "Estote Sapientes").
