
Monday, April 21, 2014

Christ is Risen: The Catholic Church is Indestructible and Indefectible


Easter Monday

Christian Doctrinal Instruction
Christ is Risen: The Catholic Church is Indestructible and Indefectible

The gates of hell shall not prevail against it
(Mt. 16.18).

The Church built by the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Cephas (rock in the original Aramaic spoken by the Lord) more than two thousand years ago will remain until the end of the world. And this Church will remain indefectible, that is, she will remain the same as prefigured of Old especially:1) in the royal hierarchy of priests ministering like the Levites 2) in the sanctuary of the Sovereign God as in a royal court (cf., "The Catholic Sanctuary..." - II; see also the Vatican II-pseudo-Church divesting itself of all the royal regalia of the traditional Church which is the endless kingdom of the Lord and Savior: "In the Royal Court of the Catholic God") – for it is written: the Levites whom the Lord hath chosen... to minister unto Himself for ever (1 Paral. 15.2) and neither shall there be cut off from... the Levites a man before My Face [facing the Crucified or the Eucharistic King of kings and Lord of lords (Apoc. 19.16) dwelling in the tabernacle under the form of unleavened bread-wafer] (Jer. 33.18; while the “bastard,” cf., Mt. 7.22-23, 'ecumenical priests'* of Vatican II ordained according to the “New” 'Rite' are appointed to stand rather as men before the face of the assembly so-called 'the people of [g]od'); and, the same Constantinian, Gregorian, Tridentine 'Ultramontane-Triumphal' Church in her concrete historical unfolding – whereas, the pseudo-Church of Vatican II, in which the perverted Superior General of the mainstream-Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and his lieutenants now desire in principle to have their cozy zone, has declared itself to be the close of a decrepit Church of bygone ages. Hence, “there will always be Popes [including the anomalously mutant Popes who relinquished their civil princedom with the Papal tiara and contented themselves only with a bishop's mitre – Conciliar Popes who formally refused to speak and act as the SUMMUS Pontifex or the SOVEREIGN Pontiff as Vicar of the King of kings and Lord of lordsexcept the incumbent jerk installed on the seat of Satan (Apoc. 2.13; with the original "Prayer to St. Michael" by Pope Leo XIII and the reference by Our Lady of La Salette) superimposed upon the Chair of the Truth], bishops, and faithful, and God's revealed truths [pure and unalloyed as were constantly maintained in both their terms and sense], will ever be found in the [true] Catholic Church” (Frs. Spirago-Clarke, The Catechism Explained).

The Church,” says St. Amrbose, “is like the moon, it may wane, but never destroyed; it may be darkened [cf., The Great Tribulation], but it can never disappear [see the remnant, Is. 10.20; Jer. 23.2, of Catholic Resistance].”

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