
Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Neo-Catholic 'Pontifex' At Loggerheads with the Eternal Word


Seventeeth Sunday after Pentecost

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart... - this is THE greatest and the first commandment." The un-Catholic 'Pontifex' in his address to the Focolare Movement last Friday (26 Sept), muddled contemplation at the foundation of its edifice and thereby spoiled its crown - pseudo-contemplation of the pseudo-Catholic Religion. He claims: "Today we have more need than ever to contemplate God and the wonders of His love, to dwell in Him, who in Jesus came to pitch His tent among us. To contemplate means, MOREOVER, to live in the company of brothers and sisters, to break with them the BREAD OF COMMUNION and fraternity..." (ZenitNews). The antipope (cf., our post on the anomaly in the 'Declaratio' of 'resignation' by Pope Benedict XVI: "Sagittam Electam - I") contradicts the Eternal Word in the passage quoted above by falsifying the precept thus: "MOREOVER" - 'It is our Vatican II Neo-Catholic ecumenical 'fraternity' with men of all contradicting creeds and persuasions that is actually the first and the greatest;' also, falsifying Charity with his ecumenical 'fraternity' condemned of Old and again by St. Paul the Apostle (cf., 2 Cor. 6.15). Do not be deceived: For there shall arise... false prophets... insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect (Mt. 24.24).

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


First Day of Novena to St. Therese of the Infant Jesus and the Holy Face
Virgin of the Teresian Carmel

If any man think himself to be something, whereas he is nothing, he deceiveth himself (from the Lesson last Sunday, 15th after Pentecost, Gal. 5.25,26; 6.1-10). True humility is the basis of fraternal charity; anyone who is proud carries about with him a hotbed of discord for, preferring himself to others, he will often be provocative, envious, haughty, and disdainful of those whom he considers his inferiors.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pope St. Pius X Condemns the Neo-Catholic 'Pontifex'


Feast of Pope St. Pius X

Pope St. Pius X condemns the Neo-Catholic 'Pontifex' (the antipope Bergoglio; cf., the "Declaratio" of 'resignation' read by Pope Benedict XVI, Sagittam Electam - II) who, in his soccer match for 'peace' [since our "Catholic God" answered rather with a chastisement of Mohammedan terror in Iraq the next day he 'prayed' for 'peace' in the Mid-East with his fellow enemies of the Crucified at the Vatican gardens; cf., God is not mocked!], declared: ".... Believers of different religions - PRESERVING THEIR INDENTITIES - can live together... in reciprocal respect [but true believers are bound to respect only the true God - the "Catholic God" of our Sacred Tradition - and His LEGITIMATE ministers!]... ReligionS [the Catholic Religion placed on the same footing with the worship of devils! - for, "the gods of the [unbelievers] are devils" (Ps. 95.5 - Sacred Latin Vulgate)] are called to be vehicles of peace..." (ZENIT Report):