
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Deaconesses' - Antipope Bergogrelio opposes God's hierarchy


Feast of St. Lawrence - Deacon and Martyr

'Deaconesses' in the Catholic Church?

The ministerial hierarchy in the Old Testament was but a shadow of its reality - the New Testament ecclesiastical hierarchy in which "the Holy Ghost hath placed... bishops (Gk: episcopoi) to rule the Church" (Ac. 20.28). A woman - Miriam, the sister of Moises - dared to stick out her proud head that women should occupy also a responsible post in the divine ministry and she was cursed.

Even at the Apostolic age, no woman was extolled as an ordained minister like the Deacon St. Stephen by mention especially in the Acts of the Apostles. The Spirit of Truth teaching through St. Paul: "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence... Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in the church" (1 Tim. 2.12,11; 1 Cor. 14.35) - a Deacon has authority to preach: therefore, there can never be a 'Deaconess' in the mind of God, there may be a 'deaconess' but in the butt-head of Antipope Bergogreglio.

And even in the all-male ministers of Old, not everyone could touch the Ark and the "loaves of proposition" - always placed on a table: why the tabernacle is reserved on the high altar at a traditional Catholic sanctuary. Unconsecrated hands - and of a woman* - can not touch the Sacred: the doctrine and discipline of the Fathers as synthesized by St. Thomas Aquinas. The hands of a Deacon though not yet consecrated may distribute Holy Communion but by authorization of a priest for the latter's aid. *The Sacred Host coming out of the tabernacle to repose on the hands of Sr. Faustina was nothing but the devil's telltale - why the Holy Office twice, under Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII, condemned the 'Divine Mercy' thing: not supernatural in origin, that is, not of God.

It is useless to pray for the prince of the accursed precursors of the Antichrist - Antipope Bergoglio; being a 'Jesuit' perverted in the school of the "New" 'Catholic Theology', he knew Catholic Theology through and through all too well down to its foundations but not only did he vomit it out, as is required by that diabolical school, but vomited it out with palatable twists and turns of popular rhetoric for easy peddling among those fascinated by the "New World disOrder" yet need God still though for a false religiosity and devoutedness (FEELING 'blessed' and 'inspired', stopping only at the mere 'sense' of the sacred, by a god nothing essentially different from a pagan deity principally serving as temporal-goods/favors-dealing-patron). "For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, have tasted also the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, have moreover tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, and are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making Him a mockery" (Heb. 6.4-6).

Our dear "Little Therese," in her "Story of a Soul," related that she desired the priesthood for the honor and glory of God and His Church and the salvation of souls but she would rather readily submit to the infallibly irreversible divine judgment on that matter as Catholic Tradition consistently expresses and maintains it. Only the pseudo-Catholic Church could dare stand in contradiction to it, protesting: "Vatican II 'aggiornamento'" (come on, let's move on with the times!). Settling for the office of a Deacon was for her, logically, altogether out of the question either. The stupid Antipope is fond of her - in the "Novus Ordo" version of her.

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