
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Arch-heretic Luther honored in Rome


Feast of "La Madre" Teresa de Jesus - the Great Reformer 
of the Carmelite Order

"I would stand up alone against all Lutherans [with these 'official' hierarchs of Vatican II 'ecumenical' "disorientation"] in order to make them understand their error" (St. Teresa, Spiritual Testimonies, III,8).

"Christians, daughter, must now more than ever do the opposite of what they do" (Our Lord to St. Teresa on the Lutherans, Spiritual Testimonies, XXVI,1). "I have hated the assembly of the malignant; and with the wicked I will not sit" (Ps. XXV.5).

The arch-heretic honored in Rome
"It is not my Jesus vs. your Jesus, but our Jesus," so does pseudo-Pope Bergogrelio unabashedly lay down, in his address to the German Lutherans 13 October in Rome, the doctrinal ground for union of the 'official' mainstream 'Church' with those who believe in 'Jesus' of their own delusional fashion. Catholic Jesus: "...HEAR the Church...;" Protestant 'Jesus': READ the 'Bible' (that is, the KJV). Catholic Jesus: "...the Church, pillar and ground of the truth;" Protestant 'Jesus': it is the 'Bible'. Catholic Jesus: "The Bread that I will give IS My Flesh for the life of the world... He who eats My Flesh hath life everlasting;" Protestant 'Jesus': Ridiculous! Vatican II-led apostasy - attempt at synthesis or reconciliation of radically irreconcilables why a "NEW 'Catholic THEOlogy": the ultimate delusion of Vatican II Neo-Catholicism

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