
Friday, January 13, 2017

In God's terms...


Octave Day of the Epiphany

Our newly-ordained Fr. John in his First Mass
in the Philippines
"From those who sought to find the Savior but were led to a place He was the least expected to be received, the Eternal Word made flesh required the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh - gold, for He comes to reclaim His Kingship of sovereign (all-encompassing) Lordship which man, following the proud 'libertarian' spirit, denies; frankincense, for God alone is the All-dominating Lord: we come to Him at our true Catholic Mass to worship Him in a manner He wants, not according to the 'banquet-meal-fellowship' (the "New 'Mass'") fancy* of Luther shared by the "sick... head" (Isaias 1.5): from Pope Paul VI (in his "General Instructions") to Antipope Bergoglio; and, myrrh, for the true Christian Life, being fed at uncompromised** altar emits the odor of Christ Who consumed His life on the Cross in total and full homage of subjection to the Divine Reason and Its designs.
 * Can not be subject, therefore, of any "legitimate promulgation" by the "New 'Catholic DisOrder" hierarchs as the SSPX now officially maintains in its complete overturn. And the SSPX Superior-General knew very well that there is no legal document in its Latin original (Pope Paul VI's "Missale Romanum") to support his position - not hallucination but prevarication; his regime is just using the Traditional Latin Mass for a facade.

** Not the 'indult altars' of the 'conservative' groups under the "disoriented" Vatican who - 1) claim that the worship of the idol of Vatican II 'theological experts' (the "New 'Catholic Theology'") condemned by the Church or were under censure for or suspect of heresy have the 'NORMative' share with the worship of the true God of Catholic Tradition in the sanctuary and 2) showcase only the Traditional Latin Mass with "beauty" and mere "SENSE of solemnity, sacredness, etc.;" and, not the altars anymore of the SSPX from the preceding principle." - Fr. John, C.D.

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