
Friday, February 8, 2019

Trapped by "diabolical disorientation"


Feast of St. John of Matha (of the Congregation of the Most Blessed Trinity - the Trinitarians) who liberated Christians fallen into the hands of the infidels (Mohammedans or Moslems) who reject the true God of our #Katoliko Apostolic Tradition - why the identity "Trinitarians"....

Antipope Bergoglio <see the canonical anomaly in the script of P.BXVI's 'resignation'> just carried on at UAE the apostasy proclaimed by Vatican II: "Moslems... ALONG WITH US... worship [why a "NEW" rite of worship - the "New disOrder of 'Mass'"+] the one merciful [g]od" (Lumen gentium, par. #16) - the 'all-mercy' "[g]od of toleration... who WILLED diversity of religions++" (Joint Declaration at Abu Dhabi, UAE). Neo-Catholics are virtually back 'captives' in the hands of the enemies not by brute force but by the "diabolical disorientation" (Our Lady of Fatima) of a "NEW 'Catholic [t]HEOlogy" that has engulfed even "those who occupy responsible positions" ("Our Lady and the Disorientation of Rome").

+Why the "New 'Mass'" can never be "holy" even when it may be valid still - as is the new position of the compromised #FSSPX #SSPX (screenshot) - "MANY.... will say to Me... Lord, Lord, did we not perform miracles in Your Name [by valid Mass - Ven. Louis de Granada, OP: "Sinner's Guide"].... but... I do not know you, you that worketh INIQUITY" (Mt. VII).

++Even common sense tells us - the God of Truth can never be the Author of self-contradictory conflicting religions.

#CatholicResistance will not accept the idol of Muhammad's Islam = the "NEW '[t]HEO...'" <see, the "Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II-Catholicism"> at the heart of its rather wicked "New" rite of service (the "New 'Mass'" falsely so-called 'Ordinary Rite').