
Wednesday, January 29, 2014



Feast of St. Francis de Sales
Bishop of Geneva, Doctor of the Universal Church, Patron of Catholic Writers
brought back 60,000 Calvinists to the Catholic Faith

Thou hast the name of being alive,
and thou art dead
(Apoc. 3.1)

Who says he's "Catholic"? The crucual dividing line solemnly established "from the Chair of the Truth" (ex cathedra) by Bl. Pope Pius IX:

 What ought to dictate the civil life and the operations of the State/government?

The Satanic Freemasons: "The Church ought to be separated from the State, and the State from the Church."

The true Christian: That was the 1789 Revolution proposition #55 in the "Syllabus of Errors" which,  the Holy Church, through the solemn terms Bl. Pope Pius IX pronounced, "do We, by Our Apostolic Authority, reprobate, denounce, and condemn... and We wish that [it] be held as reprobated, denounced, and condemned by all the children of the Catholic Church."

The Satanic Freemasons: "The Church can decide nothing which may bind the consciences of the faithful in the temporal order of things and that the judgments and decrees of the Holy See do not claim acquiescence and obedience, under pain of sin and loss of the Catholic profession, if they do not treat of the dogmas of faith and morals."

The true Christian: "How contrary is this doctrine to the Catholic dogma, of the PLENARY POWER divinely conferred on the Sovereign Pontiff [the TRULY Catholic SUMMUS Pontifex] by Our Lord Jesus Christ: WHATSOEVER you shall bind... (Mt. 16.19)." (Bl. Pope Pius IX, "Quanta cura")

The Satanic Freemasons: "The State stands in need of nothing else than the WILL OF THE PEOPLE."

The true Christian: The kingdom [or the State] is the Lord's; and He [has] DOMINION over the nations (Ps. 21). He has subjected ALL THINGS... that are in heaven and ON EARTH (Eph. 1.22,10). "Kingdoms rest upon the foundation of the Catholic Faith" (St. Celestine). "And that nothing is SO DEADLY, nothing so CERTAIN TO ENGENDER EVERY ILL, nothing so exposed to danger, as for men to believe [so]... forgetting our Author, we abjure His power to show that WE ARE FREE [we are INDEPENDENT in civil affairs]" (Bl. Pope Pius IX).

The Satanic Freemasons: "We are INDEPENDENT of God OUTSIDE THE WALLS OF THE CHURCH and our 'spiritual' exercises!"

The true Christian: God resisteth the proud (Jas. 4.6; 1 Pet. 5.5) - those who have fallen off and already hit the basest perversion as to promulgate unnatural sexual perversions (whatever not intended for the generation of offspring, particularly homosexuality) to be their OFFICIAL "New Order 'morality'" will be burned alive to ashes and annihilated (cf., our post "Our Lady, Vatican II Disorientation, and Annihilation of MANY Nations") from the face of the earth as He did to Sodom and Gomorrah (cf., Lk. 17.29-30)!

Monday, January 27, 2014



Feast of St. John Chrysostom
Confessor, the "Golden-Mouth" Doctor of the Universal Church

In the midst of the Church.... the just... opened his mouth: and the Lord filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding... and his tongue shall speak judgment (from the "Introit" and "Gradual" of the Mass of today's Feast: Ecclus. 15.5, Ps. 36.30).

The "Golden-Mouth": "...Every principle of our dogmas has received its root from above, from the Lord" (Interpretation on Isaias the Prophet) Who is THE Truth. "Therefore," Bl. Pope Pius IX affirms, "nothing is more certain than our Faith, nothing more secure, that there is nothing more holy and nothing which is supported on firmer principles" (Qui pluribus, 9th Nov. 1896). Adds the same blessed Roman Pontiff: "For, in truth, THIS Faith is THE teacher of life, THE index of salvation, the expeller of all faults, and THE fecund parent and nurse of virtues, confirmed [here follows the rational motives of credibility] by the birth, life, death, resurrection, wisdom, miracles, prophecies of its Author and Consummator Christ Jesus [Heb. 12.2]."

But the clown 'president' of the Neo-Church of Rome, a man of perversion and perdition, a false [apostle]... transforming himself into [an apostle] of Christ [by external trappings]... for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11.13,14): "Engaging in [Vatican II] dialogue (cf., the so-called "Directory on Ecumenism": Sacerdotes daemoniorum) does not mean renouncing OUR OWN IDEAS and traditions, but the claim that they alone are valid or absolute" (Message for the Masonic "New World Order" 'feast' of 'World Communications Day', Vatican Radio, 23rd January 2014). He is condemned with his fellows in the school of Neo-Catholic 'theologism' (cf., Neo-Catholic 'Theology': The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism') who persist with blind foolhardiness in their 'Modernist' error - that the 'Catholic Religion' is like any other man-conceived OPINION of a sort-of-'spiritual'-NEED : He that believeth not shall be condemned (Mk. 16.16); condemned, whatever and whoever contradicts the claims of Him Who Is THE Truth, "alone" forever "valid" and hence "absolute." And how stupid an unjust man that he really is: why not just be silent forever then and not profer his claim that the Neo-Catholic position "alone [is] valid or absolute?"

Withdraw yourselves from [him]who walketh disorderly and not according to the Traditionwhich [you] have received of us (2 Thess. 3.6). If anyone preach a Gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema! (Gal. 1.9)

Related post: "Lingua Diabolica" (Diabolical Tongue). See also: "Lumen fidei - a faith or the Catholic Faith?" and "Desacralization".

Monday, January 20, 2014

Twenty-Two More Priests, with Traditional Dominicans (Brothers, Nuns, and Third Order), Dump the Perverted Neo-SSPX Superior-General


Feast of Sts. FABIAN, Pope, and Sebastian

With great joy and praise to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, together with gratitude to Our Immaculate Mother, do we share to our followers a further increase of the end-times "opus Dei" or the divine work of Catholic Resistance. Twenty-two more priests, mostly French, with the Dominican Brothers, Nuns, and Third Order attached to the undersigned Traditional Dominican Fathers, are now officially "Resistance":


Faithful to the legacy of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, in particular his memorable "Declaration" of 21 November 1974, we adhere with all our heart, all our soul, to Catholic Rome, Guardian of the Catholic faith and traditions necessary to maintain this faith to eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth.
In the example of this great prelate, fearless defender of the Church and the Apostolic See, we refuse by cons and have always refused to follow the neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant Rome which was clearly manifested in the Second Vatican Council and, after the Council, in all the reforms and policies that are derived.

Since 2000 and especially since 2012 the authorities of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X are in the opposite direction, approaching modernist Rome.

The doctrinal statement of 15 April 2012, followed by the expulsion of a bishop and many priests and confirmed by the sentence of the book 'Our relationship with Archbishop Lefebvre Rome', all this shows pertinacity in this way that leads to death..

No authority, even higher in the hierarchy, can force us to abandon or diminish our Catholic faith clearly expressed and professed by the Magisterium of the Church for twenty centuries.

Under the protection of Our Lady guardian of the faith, we intend to continue the survival operation begun by Archbishop Lefebvre.

Accordingly, in the tragic circumstances in which we find ourselves, we are our priesthood available to all those who want to remain faithful to the fight of faith. That is why, right now, we are committed to respond to the requests we will do to support your families in their educational tasks, provide priestly formation for young people that want it, and ensure the Mass, the sacraments and doctrinal formation wherever it is necessary.

As for you, we urge you to be zealous apostles to the reign of Christ the King and Mary Queen.

Long live Christ the King!
Notre Dame guardian of the faith, protect us!
Saint Pius X, pray for us!

On 7 January two thousand and fourteen.

Fr. de Mérode
Fr. Koller Fr. Vignalou
Fr. Hubert de Saint-Maire d'Agneau
Fr. Salenave
Fr. Pierre-Maire, O.P. (together with ten other Dominican priests)
Fr. Bruno, O.S.B.
Fr. Avril (founder of the apostolate 'Notre Dame de Salérans)
Fr. Raffali (and the StellaMaris community)
Fr. Picot (Kenya)
Fr. Brühwiller (Switzerland)
Fr. Pierre-Célestin Ndong Ondo (Gabon)

Deo gratias!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Neo-Catholic Schism


Second Sunday after Epiphany

Let love be without dissimulation.
Hating that which is evil, cleaving to what is good
(from the Lesson for today's Mass, Rom. 12.6-16)

Formal schism ("schism" in its essence) is the rejection in principle of "hierarchical subordination" (Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis), of being "subject" (Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam), to the "SUMMUS Pontifex" (THE Catholic "Pope") - a rejection of the truth of the "supreme and full" (DZ) primacy of the Roman Pontiff "though perchance he be evil or not predestined" (DZ); or, the refusal to communicate with the members of the Church. Peculiarly applied to the sick-head (Is. 1.5) clown of the pseudo-Catholic Church or the Neo-Catholic DisOrder inaugurated at the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II), both are validated in another modern-day antipope (cf., our post The powers of heaven shall be moved).

1) He not only refused to be crowned with the Papal tiara (as Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict did) - symbolic renunciation of the Petrine Office instituted by the Lord and Savior Himself to be supreme not only over the Universal Church but also over the whole earth: Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth... (Mt. 16.19), that is, as the 'liberal Catholics': "the worst [enemies] of the Church" (Bl. Pope Pius IX) would hate it, the "SUMMUS Pontifex" does not bind only on 'spiritual' things - but even claimed to work a new way of being [c]urch - a "New" DisOrder in which Rome is no longer the focal point and not anymore the command post (cf., "[Antichrist-ian] Exhortation" Evangelii gaudium).

2) This clown apostle of the Antichrist would not have anything to do with those who stand fast and hold the traditions... received... (2 Thess. 2.14), cf., "Catholic Resistance, Not Disobedience", but delights to be, especially, with the leaders of the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9;3.9) and personally attends himself to their tastes at the Vatican :

16th January 2014. At the end, the apostle of the Antichrist in Papal trappings
intoned with the other apostles of Satan Psalms 133 (132 in the Sacred Latin Vulgate)
in Hebrew: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity..."
Be not deceived! Let true Catholics [be] of one mind (Rom. 12.16) with the Apostle Saint Paul who exhorts thus the faithful in today's Lesson. What concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? (2 Cor. 6.14). We charge you, brethren, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from [them] (2 Thess. 3.6).

Monday, January 13, 2014



Octave Day of the Epiphany

...Be enlightened...
(from the Lesson of the Mass of the Feast, Is. 60.1-6)

The "New" 'Catholic' DisOrder has new 19 strands of "scarlet" (Apoc. 17.4). The organ of Synagogue propaganda - the media - peddles them to be "Roman Catholic Cardinals." But do not be deceived, 

1) the man who picked them denies the very foundation of what is "Catholic" - "there's no such thing as a Catholic God" ("La Repubblica" of 1st Oct. 2013, published also by the Vatican's "L'Osservatore Romano"); hence, the 'pontifex', distinct from the Catholic "Summus Pontifex" crowned with the Papal tiara as the Sovereign Vicar of the "King of kings and Lord of lords," is not "Catholic;" 

2) the pick among them of the openly apostate Mueller - head of the so-called 'doctrinal watchdog' [no such thing in reality anymore with the abolition of the "Holy Office" and the adoption by Vatican II of the condemned perverted school of "New" 'Catholic' (t)heo(logism), cf., "The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism'"] of the "disoriented" Vatican (cf., "Our Lady and the Disorientation of Rome") identifies clearly the Neo-Catholic DisOrder of Vatican II with the "pseudo-Church" of the Communist propaganda (revealed by a former Secretary-General of the US Communist Party before the US Congress, cf., "The Year 1929") the concern of which is a most subtle heterodoxy "to deceive (if possible) even the elect" (Mt. 24.24) contrary to what the true Catholic Church has for its consistent concern: the salvation of souls through SOUND doctrine ; the modern-day antipope (cf., The Powers of Heaven Shall be Moved) proclaims his non-"Catholic" aim with his men: "[I want a 'church'] that is poor and for the poor" - indeed, very poor in the first fundamental element that makes up a "Catholic": the confession of THE SAME FAITH WHOLE AND ENTIRE for, if one thing is OF GOD, the FRUIT of the Light is in ALL goodness, justice, and TRUTH (Eph. 5.9). 

O Immaculata, da nobis virtutem contra hostes tuos!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fellayite 'Rosary Crusade' Gone Diabolical


Feast of the Holy Family

Let her rejoice who bore thee 
(from the Introit of the Mass, Prov. 23.25).

The Superior General (SG) of the Neo-SSPX launched a "Rosary Crusade" asking the Mother of God also for "the return of Tradition WITHIN the Church" (original French, Neo-SSPX DICI), "return TO Tradition WITHIN the Church" (English sites). But the true Church [stands] fast and [holds] the traditions... learned [from the Apostles WHOLE and ENTIRE]. (2 Thess. 2.14). The true Church is confused with the MAINSTREAM (the SG implies that the true Church is determined by the numbers and the externals of ubiquitously massive buildings) who hast the name of being alive and... dead (Apoc. 3.1), walking disorderly and not according to the traditions which they have received... (2 Thess. 3.6) - who "subscribe ALSO" (Pope Paul VI) to 'RESPECT' for the 1789 "Rights of Man" (as the 'liberty of opinion and conscience: each man to his own 'truth'; therefore, must advocate the Masonic proposition condemned "ex cathedra" by Bl. Pope Pius IX in the "Syllabus of Errors": the Church and the State should be separate)! 


"...Me quaerebatis?"


Feast of the Holy Family

You sought Me?
(from today's Holy Gospel, Lk. 2.42-52)

The Neo-SSPX lay Brothers gathered in Flavigny (those in their "Year of Spirituality") were given a retreat by the First Assistant to the Superior General, Fr. N. Pfluger, who said: "One who does not accept the good things of Vatican II is a sedevacantist [cf., our post "Against the Mere THEORY of 'Sedevacantism'" Parts I and II" on the right-side bar under "Why Catholic Tradition"]," and that "We should take for our model the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter."

In seeking Jesus alone, Our Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph did not bother about so much trouble of going back to Jerusalem after making already a day's journey to Nazareth. "Going back to zero?" This has tied and, perhaps, will tie still many in the 'official' (mainstream) SSPX-of-Neo-Catholic-DisOrder-integrism - as with those in the convenient form of 'Catholicism' (the pseudo-Catholicism of Vatican II) - to the comfort-zone of 'institutions' and institutional charge or positions.

...Me quaerebatis? Flee to the mountains... (Mt. 24.16). To the English-speaking vocations to the traditional Catholic priesthood (cf., our posts "...At the Heart of the Crisis - the Priesthood" and Sacerdotes daemoniorumwho would become the official representatives of God's business (Lk. 2.49) - not the Masonic business of the "cult of man" to which "we subscribe ALSO" (Pope Paul VI - and his successors to the 'presidency' of Vatican II Neo-Catholic DisOrder) and not the Fellayite 'fornicating' business - go instead to a safer haven, the SSPX-Marian Corps Seminary south of Manila in the Philippines (cf., "Catholic Resistance, Not Disobedience") as the mad-man of the "international financiers" of Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9) in the White House will soon execute a nationwide terrorist campaign.

A blessed Feast to everyone!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Gloria Domini?


Feast of the Epiphany

Darkness [covered] the earth, and a mist the people: but the Lord [arose] upon [the new Jerusalem]... for [her] light... and His glory [was] seen upon [her]. And the Gentiles [walked] in [her] light (Is. 60.2,1,3).

Vatican II has given the modern times a "New 'Catholic Order'". That this can never be the Catholic Church - the new Jerusalem - is proved by the fruit it bore contrary to what was fulfilled through the true Catholic Church as prophesied above. By their fruits you shall know them (Mt. 7.16). The world - even the Christianized world - has been rather entrenched in the darkened understanding of a pagan mind just as it was alienated from the life of God (Eph. 4.18) before that the light and glory of the Lord had finally dawned: given... up to lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness (ibid., v.19); cf., our post "Our Lady, Vatican II Disorientation, and the Annihilation of MANY Nations". Pope Paul VI admitted it and specifically pointed to "the smoke of Satan" for its cause while Pope John Paul II lamented only about "ideas opposed to the truth... heresies, in the proper and full sense of the word... spread in the area of dogma and morals... [with which] the liturgy has been tampered with" (in our post "Our Lady and the Diabolical Campaign"). As a result of the material - distinct from the formal - corruption of dogma and morals, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the name "Catholic" was not even more glorified but rather all the more vilified and held with a diabolically virulent scorn for, indeed, a Catholic - most especially a pastor - overturned from the exalted heights of the Truth falls the worst precipitating into the basest moral depravity: fornication and unnatural lusts (or sexual gratification outside the natural generative intercourse between a man and a woman) therefore, have I also made you contemptible and base before all people, as... you have made void the covenant of Levi [that is, they have stricken off the Levitical priestly character in their bastard "New Rite of Ordinations"]... and have not kept My ways [in offering the Sacrifice of justice (Ps. 4.6) - that is, the Traditional Rite of the Mass in Latin which is the Sacrifice on the Cross in an unbloody manner, the Lord and Savior fulfilling His priesthood according to the order of Melchisedech (Ps. 109.4) by offering bread and wine which He changes into His Body and Blood by the power of His words] (Mal. 2.9,8), delighting instead in the invention of a Freemason which was the "New [Dis-]Order of 'Mass'".

And the Gentiles [walked] in [her] light. After Vatican II, it was the Neo-Catholic DisOrder which walked in the light of the revolutionary 1789 "Rights of Man" - as on the subject of 'liberalism' and 'indifferentism'; cf., our posts "Circumcision of Heart" and "Vatican II and Freemasonry on 'Religious Liberty'". This contrary the same Pope Paul VI, who executed the 'directory' of the perverted Second Vatican Council, confessed: "The opening [by Pope John XXIII through Vatican II] to the world became a veritable invasion of the Church by worldly thinking" ("L'Osservatore Romano," 23rd November 1973, in our post "Our Lady and the Diabolical Campaign", link above) - as, indeed, engineered by the diabolical mind communicating to the Masonic dumbies of the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9): "produce a Pope and a hierarchy won over to the ideas of liberal Catholicism, all the while believing themselves to be faithful Catholics...a Catholic clergy and laity marching under the banner of the Enlightenment, all the while thinking* they are marching under the banner of the Apostolic keys" ("Alta Vendita" or "The Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church"; cf., our post "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage").
* Deceive[d] (if possible) even the elect (Mt. 24.24).

Be ye not partakers with... the children of unbelief.
For you were heretofore darkness, but now light in the world.
Walk then as children of light.
... The fruit of the light is in all goodness, and justice, and truth....
Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
but rather reprove them
(Eph. 5.7,6,8-9,11).

A most blessed Feast to everyone!

See also: Lux Magna

Sunday, January 5, 2014



Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

In the Name of Jesus
let every knee bow,
of those that are in heaven,
on earth and under the earth...
For there is no other Name under heaven given to men,
whereby we must be saved
(Phil. 2.10; Ac. 4.12).

In the Vatican II "New 'Catholic' DisOrder" (the "Novus Ordo"), not only was today's Feast abolished but also the Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus scrapped. For these reasons:

1) The "Introit" and Lesson of today's Holy Mass quoted above unequivocally condemns the 'ecumenical direction' of the mock-Catholicism (cf., 'indifferentism' in our post "Circumcision of Heart" and "Vatican II and Freemasonry on 'Religious Liberty'") as that "diabolical disorientation" referred to by the Great Sign in heaven who appeared at Fatima in Portugal.

2) The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (300 days Indulgence, one a day)

KYRIE eleison.
CHRISTE eleison.
KYRIE eleison.
JESU, audi nos.
JESU, exaudi nos.

PATER de coelis DEUS, miserere nobis.
Sancta Trinitas, unus DEUS,
JESU, splendor PATRIS,
JESU, candor lucis æternæ,
JESU, Rex gloriæ,
JESU, sol justitiæ,
JESU, Fili Mariæ Virginis,
JESU amabilis,
JESU admirabilis,
JESU, DEUS fortis,
JESU, PATER futuri sæculi,
JESU, magni consilii Angele,
JESU potentissime,
JESU patientissime,
JESU obedientissime,
JESU, mitis et humilis corde,
JESU, amator castitatis,
JESU, amator noster,
JESU, DEUS pacis,
JESU, auctor vitæ,
JESU, exemplar virtutum,
JESU, zelator animarum,
JESU, DEUS noster,
JESU, refugium nostrum,
JESU, pater pauperum,
JESU, thesaure fidelium,
JESU, bone pastor,
JESU, lux vera,
JESU, sapientia æterna,
JESU, bonitas infinita,
JESU, via et vita nostra,
JESU, gaudium Angelorum
JESU, Rex Patriarcharum,
JESU, Magister Apostolorum,
JESU, Doctor Evangelistarum,
JESU, fortitude Martyrum,
JESU, lumen Confessorum,
JESU, puritas Virginum,
JESU, corona Sanctorum omnium,

Propitius esto, parce nobis, JESU.
Propitius esto, exaudi nos, JESU.

Ab omni malo, libera nos, JESU.
Ab omni peccato ["From all sin" - contrary to what the sick-head (cf., Is. 1.5) clown 'pontifex' believes, in "La Reppublica," 31st December 2013, that there is no more sin]
Ab ira tua ["From Thy wrath" - to the blind 'loyalists' of a clown 'pontifex' who professes that "there is no such thing as a Catholic God" ("La Reppublica" interview, 1st October 2013; cf., our post Estote sapientes): Jesus Christ of the Sacred Tradition (cf., 2 Thess. 2.14: stand fast and hold the [Gk: paradoseis]) is the "Catholic God" of BOTH mercy AND justice which justice knows a wrath blazing down to the very depths of hell!],
Ab insidiis diaboli,
A spiritu fornicationis,
A morte perpetua ["From everlasting death" - Sacred Tradition belies the clown 'pontifex', in an interview with "La Reppublica," 31st December 2013, and his pseudo-theology, cf., "The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism'" - where Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI were also schooled - in that there is hell where the damned suffer it]
A neglectu inspirationum tuarum,
Per mysterium sanctæ Incarnationis tuæ,
Per Nativitatem tuam,
Per Infantiam tuam,
Per divinissimam vitam tuam,
Per labores tuos,
Per agoniam et passionem tuam,
Per crucem et derelictionem tuam,
Per languores tuos,
Per mortem et sepulturam tuam,
Per Resurrectionem tuam,
Per Ascensionem tuam,
Per sanctissimam institutionem Eucharistiæ tuæ
Per gaudia tua,
Per gloriam tuam,

AGNUS DEI, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis, JESU.
AGNUS DEI, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos, JESU.
AGNUS DEI, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis, JESU.
JESU, audi nos.
JESU, exaudi nos.

DOMINE JESU CHRISTE, qui dixisti: Petite, et accipietis ; quærite et invenietis ; pulsate, et aperietur vobis: quæsumus, da nobis petentibus divinissimi tui amoris affectum, ut te toto corde, ore et opere diligamus, et a tua nunquam laude cessemus.

Sancti Nominis tui, DOMINE, timorem pariter et amorem fac nos habere perpetuum,quia nunquam tua gubernatione destituis quos in soliditate tuæ dilectionis instituis. Qui vivis et regnas, cum Deo Patre, in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Let us pray.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, who hast said: Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it
shall be opened unto you; grant, we beseech Thee, to our most humble supplications, the gift of thy most divine love, that we may ever love Thee with our whole hearts, words, and works, and never cease praising Thee.

O LORD, give us a perpetual fear as well as love of thy holy Name, for Thou never ceasest to govern those whom thou foundest upon the the solidity of thy love, Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, wolrd without end. Amen.

Clearly, the name 'Jesus' which the sick-head 'pontifex' and the pseudo-Church he leads utter with their lips is no longer that same Jesus which the teaching Church and the hearing Church used to resoundingly confess with the same one sense - until Vatican II and maintained by the Church purified unto this remnant (Jer. 42.2) of Catholic Resistance (cf., Gal. 2.11,14), a few of many (Jer. 42.2; cf., "Sacred Writ and the Fathers on 'The Few Number of Those Who are Saved'").

A blessed Feast to everyone!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Circumcision of Heart


First Friday of the Month

The thoughts of His Heart to all generations...
(Ps. 32.11, from the "Introit" of the Mass of the Sacred Heart)

Thus the truly divine Religion alone sounds the depths of the Heart of God - the thoughts of It, the counsel of the Lord standeth forever (ibid.). But the "New 'Catholic' DisOrder" of Vatican II contradicts the divine decree against spiritual harlotry or fornication by its "Directory on Ecumenism" (cf., our post Sacerdotes daemoniorum and the 'inter-religious' fellowship of the perverted Council - Pope John Paul II, in The Great Tribulation, Pope Benedict XVI, in "Catholic Resistance, Not Disobedience", and the clown modern-day anti-pope Bergoglio, in "'Fools'") which leads to the worship of a false god (the "[non-]Catholic God", cf., the clown anti-pope in our post Estote sapientes, and pseudo-Christ of Vatican II's "New 'Catholic' [t]heo[logism]", cf., our post "The Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism'") by a "New" Rite of Worship or the so-called "New [Dis-]Order of 'Mass'" (cf., the ex cathedra decree of Pope St. Pius V decreeing "[absolute]" adherence to the Traditional Rite of Catholic Worship "for all ages" and anathematizing any future "New Rite" in our post "The Traditional Mass - the NORM in perpetuity"). Therefore, the 'Reformed Church of Vatican II' is nothing else than that "pseudo-Church", cf., our post "The Year 1929", and mock-Church portrayed in the Book of the Apocalypse (17.4) to be the great harlot clothed round about with purple [the color of Catholic bishops retained by doctrinally-corrupt bastard pastors of the "New Rite of Episcopal Ordinations"] and scarlet [the color of a Catholic prince retained by Neo-Catholic princesses].

... to deliver their souls from death; and feed them in famine
(ibid., v.19)

To those who have imbibed the poison of Vatican II Neo-Catholicism - a most virulent synthesis of "diabolical disorientation" and being diffused out of its sewer: the seat of Satan erected over "the Chair of the Truth" in Rome (cf., Pope Leo XIII in his Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in our post "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage") since, perhaps, the surrender of the Papal tiara by a pseudo-Pope Paul VI to the UN, the organ of world-domination by the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9)...

"We at once proposed to impart to you Our designs for healing the wounds of Israel....

Repeating incessantly to yourselves that every novelty attempts to undermine the Universal Church, and that, according to the warning of the holy Pope Agatho, 'nothing that has been regularly defined can bear diminution, or change, or addition, and repels every alteration of sense, or even of words [as from the Catholic "Summus Pontifex" to a mere Neo-Catholic 'pontifex']...

It would... be a crime, a formal derogation from the respect due to the ecclesiastical laws, to blame, by an insane liberty of opinion, the discipline which the Church has consecrated, by which the administration of sacred things [therefore anathematizing: a "New Rite of 'Mass'", the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass the whole of it in a language other than the sacred Latin tongue, and the Protestant mode of 'communicating' standing and on bare unconsecrated hands] and the conduct of the faithful are regulated [as proscribing mixed marriages (cf., Deut. 7.3-4); a woman... clothed with man's apparel and vice-versa (Deut. 22.5; also, 1 Tim. 2.9-12), contraception (cf., Gen. 38.8-10); pollution or masturbation (Gal 5.19), homosexual behavior and fashion or effeminacy (1 Cor. 6.10) and acts of a reprobate sense among men (Rom. 1.27-28)]... and to declare that discipline hostile to certain principles of natural law...

It is the height of absurdity and outrage towards [the Church] to pretend that a restoration and regeneration have become necessary to secure its existence and its progress [the perverted raison d'etre of Vatican II]; as if it could be believed that it was thus subject either to faintness, darkness, or other alterations of this kind. And what do... bold innovators seek, except to give new foundations [a "New [t]heo[logism]" and a "New Rite" of liturgy and sacramentals (as the "useless," claims Fr. Amorth, the chief exorcist of the Vatican, in our post "Our Lady and the Diabolical Campaign", "New Rite of Exorcism" - approved by Pope Paul VI as such - is] to an institution which would thereby be only man's work, and realize what Saint Cyprian cannot sufficiently detest... rendering the Church human, from all divine that it is....

Another and most fruitful cause of the evils which at present afflict the Church and which We so bitterly deplore; We mean indifferentism, or that fatal opinion everywhere diffused by the craft of the wicked, that men can by the profession of any faith obtain the eternal salvation of their souls, provided their life conforms to justice and probity. But in a question so clear and evident it will undoubtedly be easy... to pluck up from amid the people... so pernicious an error. The Apostle warns us of it: One God, one Faith, one Baptism. Let them tremble then who imagine that every creed leads by an easy path to the port of felicity; and reflect seriously on the testimony of Our Saviour Himself, that those are against Christ who are not with Christ, and that they miserably scatter by the fact that they gather not with Him, and that consequently will perish eternally without any doubt, if they do not hold to the Catholic Faith, and preserve it entire and without alteration....

From this poisoned source of indifferentism flows that false and absurd, or rather extravagant, maxim that liberty of conscience should be established and guaranteed to each man [each man to his own 'truth'] - a most contagious error, to which leads that absolute and unbridled liberty of opinion which for the ruin of Church and State spreads over the world, and which some men, by unbridled impudence, fear not to represent as advantageous to the Church. 'And what more certain death for souls,' says Saint Augustine, 'than the liberty of error!' On beholding them thus, indeed, take away from men every rein able to restrain them in the paths of truth, hurried as they already are to ruin by a nature inclined to evil, we may say in truth that there yawns that pit of the abyss, from which Saint John beheld ascending a smoke that obscured the sun [see commentary by Saint Augustine in our post The Great Tribulation, link above], and locusts to lay waste the earth. Thence, in fact, the instability of minds; thence the ever increasing corruption of the young; thence, in the people, contempt of sacred rights and holiest laws and things; thence, in a word, the saddest scourge that can ravage States, since experience attests, and the remotest antiquity teaches, that cities powerful in wealth, dominion, and glory perished by this sole evil - the unbridled 'liberty' of opinions, the licence of public discourse, the passion for changes.

Prevent [your] straying from the paths of truth to run the way of the impious, by resting on the sole powers of their reason... Remember that it is God Who leads in the paths of truth and Who perfects the wise, and that otherwise it is impossible to know God, God Who by His Word instructs men to know Him. The proud, or rather mad, man assumes to weigh in human scales the mysteries of the Faith which are above all human sense, and to put his trust in a reason which, by the very condition of human nature, is weak and feeble." - Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari vos (Condemnation of 'Liberalism' and Religious Indifferentism) 15th August 1832