
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"REdiscover the sense of the sacred."


Feast of Our Lady's Apparition at Lourdes
the Apparition of the "Immaculate Conception" who brings remedy

"I am the Immaculate Conception."

One part of the two-pronged tongue of the 'pontifex' admitted, in addressing his 'loyalists' at Sta. Martha 10th Feb., his "New 'Catholic' DisOrder" to have lost the sense of the Sacred. His co-Revolutionary-predecessors were given permission to lay their abominable hands on the sacred things of the Catholic sanctuary - as was foreshadowed in the Book of Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremias - and there substituted the diabolical worship designed by the Mason Bugnini (cf., our post "The Catholic Sanctuary Prefigured in O.T.-II") which is nothing but the reprobated cult in the vernacular of the Arch-heretic Luther and of the Synod of Pistoia with 'offertory prayers' derived from the Synagogue of Satan (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9). Now, his "Lingua Diabolica", in its 'Catholic', but not completely Catholic (as the Athanasian Creed requires), pretense exhorts them to "rediscover the sense of the sacred." But we are not deceived, let him anathematize therefore and cast into the furnace the "bastard" (Abp. Lefebvre) "fabrication" (Card. Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI) of Bugnini, that is, the Abomination of Desolation... standing in the Holy Place (Mt. 24.15) or the 'New Order of Mass' of Paul VI (who approved the "useless," claimed Vatican's Chief Exorcist Fr. Gabriel Amorth, 'New Rite of Exorcism') together with the bastard Vatican II-'ecumenical priests' (cf., our post Sacerdotes daemoniorum) - similar to the fate of the false priests as commanded by the Prophet Elias on Mount Carmel - ministering at the "supper-table" of their " Catholic" Christ (the sick...head, Is. 1.5, 'pontifex' in La Republicca, 1 Oct. 2013; and, in L'Osservatore Romano, 2 Oct. 2013)! The Traditional Rite of the Mass in Latin, which nourished our Saints, is "THE NORM... in perpetuum" (Bull Quo primum, decree ex cathedra of Pope St. Pius V; cf., our post "The Traditional Mass") in a truly Catholic sanctuary.

The much vaunted propaganda of the Vatican II revolutionaries, "Let the 'Mass' come in the vernacular that the people may understand," has now fizzled out. "MANY souls..." (The Great Sign in heaven at Fatima) rather 'understand' something else that they manifest rather on their foreheads the character of the Beast (Apoc. 16.2; that is, in conformity rather with the 1789 Revolutionary principles that is the mentality of the 'liberal' age and the Vatican II-Church; whereas, true Catholics, who bear the sign of the Living God on their foreheads, Apoc. 7.1-3 - see our post "The Wine of the Wrath of God" - are to have their minds in perfect conformity with the consistent traditional teachings and sense of the Holy Church.

They have suppressed the Divine Worship, as was foretold - a people with their leader that shall come, shall destroy the city and the sanctuary: and the end thereof shall be waste... the Sacrifice shall fail... the Continual Sacrifice shall be taken away... and there shall be ... the abomination of desolation (Dan. 9.26,27; 12.11; cf., also Lam. 2.6-8; 1 Mach. 1.23) - because they falsely charged that the faithful who do not 'understand' what is going on at the altar were only busy with fingering through their Rosaries or saying other devotionals [granting for the sake of the argument, well, at least, the faithful came to pray still in union with the prayers of Christ the High Priest offering His Sacrifice!]. With the institution of their invention to foster rather a 'rationalist' approach toward the Christian Mystery, the two-pronged tongue of the clown 'pontifex' admits: "many often spend their time... looking at the clock and counting [down] the minutes." The next logical thing to do then for these precursors of the Antichrist - the seat of Satan (Apoc. 2.13) in that church where the "Chair of the Truth" is (cf., Pope Leo XIII in his Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel; also, in our post "A Perilous 'Catholic' Voyage"): abolish altogether the useless 'Mass'!

A most blessed Feast to everyone!

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