
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Catholic "Peace"


Tuesday in the Octave of Easter 

Peace be to you; it is I, fear not (Lk. 24.36). Such is the Easter grace our Great Victor imparts to those who seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified (Mk. 16.6, from the Holy Gospel for Easter Sunday) to do Him homage and service no matter how big might be the rock that blocked them from reaching Him. The rock of sin - the first stumbling block - has already been washed away by the Most Precious Blood which flowed from the side of the Crucified. Real peace to them who have risen from sin out of the Apostolic tribunal - the Confessional of ‪Catholic‬ Tradition; not the 'counselling' box of the Neo-Catholic Church of Vatican II, if it still exists - to which, at the words "Ego te absolvo, in Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti," was attached the divine power, whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained (Jn. 20.23) conferred to the new Levitical priests. But woe to them who would resurrect unto judgment - to those who not only directly mock at the Crucified by their obstinacy in their error and sin but also indirectly who say their Neo-Catholic 'Holy Week' was a 'make-over.'

A most blessed Easter!

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