
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Open doors?


Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Holy Rosary

When Catholic Europe was menaced by a seemingly insurmountable militant advance of Islam, true Popes and who had the Faith - Pope St. Pius V and Pope Leo XIII - together with a Catholic civil ruler, King Charles VI of Hungary, supplicated the "Immaculata" for divine aid and victory through the praying of Her "battering ram," Her Holy Rosary (against the constant volleys of subtle errors - under the appearance of truth and good - emanating from the sewer of perversion, the "head" of the devil which the Apocalyptic "Woman" is to crush - and in a very spectacular manner, perhaps in 2017 - 100th year since the unfolding of Apocalypse XII, cf., "The Great Sign in Heaven", Her great "Triumph" against the permitted 100-yr reign of Satan and h[e]r minions. Miraculous victories were granted. In the Philippines, the poor Filipino-Spanish fleet was no match to the Protestant Dutch in that historical "La Naval" battle until they sought the intercession of the Immaculata through Her Holy Rosary hence Her local glorious title of "Our Lady of La Naval."

Europe is yet being chastised but now with a most dramatically non-militant invasion by the infidels for its loss of the Faith - a feat their militant stratagem failed to realize in the Middle Ages of Christianity; the tragic fate of Constantinople on the very Feast of Pentecost itself with its rejection of the "Filioque" (the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and from the Son) of the Roman "Nicean Creed" declaring: "The turban rather than the tiara [the Papal triple crown rejected by Popes Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI - Bergoglio also rejected it but this hellish jerk was never validly elected]." But the 'luving' disoriented Vatican, instead of calling 'Catholics' to arm with the heaven's "battering ram:" Open your doors! - Pope John XXIII, hopeful of his 'hijacked' Vatican II: "Open the windows to let the fresh air;" at his deathbed he was crying: "Stop the Council! Stop the Council!" for his successor admitted: "worldly thinking has invaded the Church."

O Immaculata, Regina Sacratissimi Rosario, intercede pro nobis. Conteras caput inimicorum nostrorum!

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