And Elias, the prophet, stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch (Ecclesiasticus. 48.1, DRV)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Cast out the bondwoman..."


4th Sunday in Lent  

Cast out the bondwoman... (from the Lesson, Gal. 4.22-31). 

Bergoglio to the schismatic Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo sect: "We are brothers and sisters in [c]hrist" (29 Feb 2016). But the Christ of Apostolic "Paradosis" (Tradition, cf., 2 Thess. 3.6): They that are not with Me are against Me (cf., Mt. 12.30). To justify their being with the Christ, the foul-mouthed 'Pontifex' insisted on equating them with the CHURCH: "today, the blood of many martyrs of all the ChurchES has become the seed of [Vatican II 'ecumenical'] unity." The Word of God belies him: "I will build My CHURCH...;" and that the blood of heretics and schismatics cannot be the blood of Christian martyrs: "...Nobody can be saved no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the #Catholic Church." - The Eternal Word through Pope Eugene IV speaking "ex cathedra", in the Council of Florence, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442 - See more at: "The Great Tribulation"

It is the "pseudo-[Catholic] Church" of Masonic and Communist infiltrators (cf., "The Year 1929"), that Apocalyptic " purple and scarlet" (Apoc. XVII), that is 'brother' and 'sister' to these "sects of perdition" (2 Pet. 2.1).

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Salvation is in the "Blood of the Lamb"

Apocalypse XIV now unfolding (cf., our posts "The Wine of the Wrath of God" and "After Pope Benedict XVI, the 'Last' Roman Pontiff?"). The divine chastisement of world-wide conflagration (Lk. 17.29-30, cf., our post "Our Lady, Vatican II Disorientation, and the Annihilation of Many Nations") to annihilate the 'super-power' and cities and nations drunk with the wine of its immodesty, impurity, fornication, homosexuality, and blasphemies (Apoc. 14.8) is imminent - the close of our end-times period (distinct from the consummation of the world, Mt. 28.20).

They... have made them white in the Blood of the Lamb
(Apoc. 7.14) ... All things... are cleansed with Blood: and without shedding of Blood there is no remission (Heb. 9.22).

The Blood of the [Divine] Lamb can be availed of in the traditional Rite of the Sacrament of Penance (cf., our post "On Concealing Sins in Confession") and of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (the Traditional Latin Mass). Go to our traditional Catholic Mass Centers (links on the left-side bar of this site). Flee to the mountains... (Mt. 24.16).

See also the Messages and Appeals (on the upper right-side bar) of the Apocalyptic Woman in her title of Our Lady of Fatima.