And Elias, the prophet, stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch (Ecclesiasticus. 48.1, DRV)

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Arch-heretic Luther honored in Rome


Feast of "La Madre" Teresa de Jesus - the Great Reformer 
of the Carmelite Order

"I would stand up alone against all Lutherans [with these 'official' hierarchs of Vatican II 'ecumenical' "disorientation"] in order to make them understand their error" (St. Teresa, Spiritual Testimonies, III,8).

"Christians, daughter, must now more than ever do the opposite of what they do" (Our Lord to St. Teresa on the Lutherans, Spiritual Testimonies, XXVI,1). "I have hated the assembly of the malignant; and with the wicked I will not sit" (Ps. XXV.5).

The arch-heretic honored in Rome
"It is not my Jesus vs. your Jesus, but our Jesus," so does pseudo-Pope Bergogrelio unabashedly lay down, in his address to the German Lutherans 13 October in Rome, the doctrinal ground for union of the 'official' mainstream 'Church' with those who believe in 'Jesus' of their own delusional fashion. Catholic Jesus: "...HEAR the Church...;" Protestant 'Jesus': READ the 'Bible' (that is, the KJV). Catholic Jesus: "...the Church, pillar and ground of the truth;" Protestant 'Jesus': it is the 'Bible'. Catholic Jesus: "The Bread that I will give IS My Flesh for the life of the world... He who eats My Flesh hath life everlasting;" Protestant 'Jesus': Ridiculous! Vatican II-led apostasy - attempt at synthesis or reconciliation of radically irreconcilables why a "NEW 'Catholic THEOlogy": the ultimate delusion of Vatican II Neo-Catholicism

Thursday, October 13, 2016


99th Anniversary of the Apocalyptic apparition of "the Great Sign in heaven" (XII.1) - Our Lady of Fatima.

God confounds the diabolical secret sect of Freemasonry; the Immaculata showed Herself lastly as the Blessed Virgin of Carmel - see more @ "The Great Sign in heaven"

The 'loyalists' of the "New Catholic disOrder" of Vatican II 'ecumenical' "disorientation" do not want Her Message - the Second Part of its Secret She ends with reference to the apostasy of Rome: "In Portugal [NOT in Rome!], the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc." - and falsify its critical importance for this our end-times period; see more @ "Our Lady at Fatima - not a mere 'private' apparition"

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

"Diabolical disorientation" : Vatican II religious harlotry ('ecumenism')


Feast of St. Francis of Assisi 

Our Lord revealed to this 'seraphic' Saint of Assisi that He would restore the Church on him - why the Church, in the lessons of her Divine Office today, inculcates with this great Saint: "Blessed is the... man who is found without blemish: who hath not gone after gold, nor put his trust in money nor in treasures" (Ecclus. 31.8-9).

Since the 'hijacked' Vatican II Council, Assisi therefore has to be the center of the subversion of that restoration by the ecumenical "disorientation" of Rome itself - that the Catholic Religion is only one among the false religions (logical conclusion: the Catholic Religion is therefore also false) authored by one and the same [g]od (logical conclusion: there is no God for if He claims to be "the Truth" He could not author conflicting and contradicting creeds); indeed, there is "no Catholic God" (the pseudo-Pope Bergoglio). It was in Assisi that the 'official' hierarchs proclaimed their apostasy pointed out by the Immaculata at Fatima, Portugal: "diabolical disorientation even among those who occupy responsible positions" - they have overthrown the Catholic Religion from its very foundation: "In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti," the Triune God, that they could stand in league with the "Synagogue of Satan" (Apoc. 2.9; 3.9) and pagans whose "gods are the devils" (Ps. 95.5 - the Sacred Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome, "the greatest Doctor of the Church;" the "New 'Catholic'" versions obviously have to depart from this reading that the 'Word' stand not in contradiction to their ecumenical disorientation).

Traditionally, to those adult converts who come to the Baptismal font that they live in league with Christ Crucified the Church exhorts them:

1) against paganism - "HORRESCE idola, respue simulacra..." ("ABHOR idols and reject their images.")
2) against Talmudic Jewry of the "Synagogue of Satan" - "HORRESCE Judaicam perfidiam, respue Hebraicam superstitionem" ("ABHOR Jewish perfidy, renounce the Hebrew superstition.")
3) against Mohammedanism or Islam - "HORRESCE Mahumeticam perfidiam, respue pravam sectam infidelitatis" ("ABHOR Mohammedan perfidy, renounce THIS EVIL and FAITHLESS sect").
4) against 'Bible-only' Protestantism - "HORRESCE haeriticam pravitatem, respue nefarias sectas impiorum N." ("ABHOR the evil of heresy, renounce the infamous sect of ..."). 

No, the Church has not changed; it appears only to have been eclipsed by the "New 'Catholic' disOrder" of Vatican II (see St. Augustine @ "The Great Tribulation") - the "pseudo-Church" of infiltrated revolutionaries (see "The Year 1929") possessing and instrumentalizing our institutions : the Apocalyptic great harlot "in purple and scarlet" (17.4). "Woe is me, wherefore was I born to see the ruin of my people, and the ruin of the holy city, and to dwell there, when it is given into the hands of the enemies? The holy places are come into the hands of strangers" (1 Mach. 2.7-8).

"What fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the Catholic faithful with the unbeliever?" (2 Cor. 6.14-15)

Monday, October 3, 2016

In the footsteps of "Little Therese"


Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Our "Little Therese" - as she would have us call her - is held very dear even today because she, in imitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel, is very pleasing to God: God's great pleasure is shining on her and radiating brightly in her who had not refused her Little Jesus anything and gave Him the little she was only capable of and that very generously, without reserve and murmur. This is the crown of that her promised "good" work of spending heaven with the shower of graces she will let fall from the hands of her Immaculate Mother of Carmel - souls who would love God as she has loved Him and made Him much loved.

A blessed Feast to everyone!

'Born again' Catholic


Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus

"Unless you be converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (from today's Holy Gospel). That is, "not in sense," explains St. Paul (1 Cor. 14.20), as in retardation to childishness; "but in malice be children, and in sense perfect."

Child-like innocence - Christian renunciation of the spirit (the mindset or mentality) of this "New World disOrder" (the "Novus Ordo") as expressed by strange and unruly even to outrageous hairstyles, vulgar and immodest fads in language, behavior and get-up, and the 'rights', preoccupations, hopes and dreams of the citizens of this one-world city which is opposed to the all-encompassing dominion of Christ the King in subjection to the Roman "Pontifex" (but a crowned Sovereign Pontiff - symbolic also of the following second description by the Apostle St. Paul). This form of Christian innocence after the original innocence we have lost is obtained by striving then against the current of perdition sweeping the "New" city of Babylon and the greater part of the 'official' institutional Church (the "New" 'Catholic' City inaugurated at Vatican II) - both in which there is no love of a demandingly absolute Truth: "be not conformed to this world" (Rom. 12.2); this is the true shot at 'trying hard to be holy,' but sanctity is first and foremost God's work: 1) He alone could purify us of everything that is not Him down to their very roots why 2) we need His light in prayer that we resist not His 'operation' on us as we embrace the traditional Catholic discipline of the Spiritual Life, and His almighty aid which flows through our traditional Sacraments.

"In sense perfect." That is, a spiritual man who has "the mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2.16) - an intimate of God and of the "deep things of God" (v.10); an intimate of the "deep things of God" - he is not deceived, though, by those who appear to be speaking very 'inspiring' things about God even if they be presented as clad in Papal and other ecclesiastical trappings for the true man of God stands SOLIDLY - not limping or halting, as with the 'official' hierarchs since Vatican II - on God's Word and doctrine: one who stands not in contradiction to the Apostolic "paradoseis" ("Tradition," 2 Thess. 3.16) for there is no change in the mind and judgments of God (God can never contradict Himself).

Sunday, October 2, 2016

God's Messengers


Feast of the Guardian Angels

Contrary to the current 'devotion' Neo-Catholicism has fostered since Vatican II, God did not assign to each soul a celestial patron and protector for a temporal life Oh so secure that should keep unmolested whatever part of Oh so 'happy' life a neo-pagan-partly-Catholic citizen of the "New World [dis]Order" would 'feel blessed' about. Our guardian angels are assigned to us in view of our entanglement with the proud spirit "who stood not in the truth" (Jn. 8.44). "God made man right, and hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions" (Ecclus. 7.30), that is, "God made man right," explains St. Alphonsus, "in the state of justice [in original subjection to God]; but, by giving ear to [the subtle decepton of the ancient infernal liar], man exposed himself to temptation, and was conquered (Sermon for today, XXth after Pentecost). Let us take very careful note of how the devil has conquered us - from the beginning, he conspired with our senses and played with our passions: subversion from within is his favorite game (as is also against the Church especially through Vatican II 'hijacked' by 'ecclesiastics' infected or perverted by the 'Modernist liberalism' of the revolutionary 'Rights of Man' and diffusing their "diabolical disorientation" in 'official' modernized 'Seminaries, 'Pontifical' Universities and 'Catholic' schools, and of course in their "New" Rite of 'Mass' and other 'Sacraments').

God sends us His messengers to communicate His design for us - the right order of things for us. But we miss this - and how dreadful it is! "He was at the point of death" (from today's Holy Gospel, XXth after Pentecost) - when any passion unregulated by the dictates of reason and prudence enlightened by Faith, takes possession of the heart for this unruly appetite obscures the truth, and makes the soul incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. Souls under the sway of God know what true devotion to Him consists in by the inspiration of their guardian angels: "Give me not over to a shameless and foolish mind" (Ecclus. 23.6) lest I abandon Thy way.

Salvation is in the "Blood of the Lamb"

Apocalypse XIV now unfolding (cf., our posts "The Wine of the Wrath of God" and "After Pope Benedict XVI, the 'Last' Roman Pontiff?"). The divine chastisement of world-wide conflagration (Lk. 17.29-30, cf., our post "Our Lady, Vatican II Disorientation, and the Annihilation of Many Nations") to annihilate the 'super-power' and cities and nations drunk with the wine of its immodesty, impurity, fornication, homosexuality, and blasphemies (Apoc. 14.8) is imminent - the close of our end-times period (distinct from the consummation of the world, Mt. 28.20).

They... have made them white in the Blood of the Lamb
(Apoc. 7.14) ... All things... are cleansed with Blood: and without shedding of Blood there is no remission (Heb. 9.22).

The Blood of the [Divine] Lamb can be availed of in the traditional Rite of the Sacrament of Penance (cf., our post "On Concealing Sins in Confession") and of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (the Traditional Latin Mass). Go to our traditional Catholic Mass Centers (links on the left-side bar of this site). Flee to the mountains... (Mt. 24.16).

See also the Messages and Appeals (on the upper right-side bar) of the Apocalyptic Woman in her title of Our Lady of Fatima.