...And [the Father] shall send you another Paraclete... the Spirit of Truth... that He may abide with you forever (from today's Holy Gospel taken from 14th Ch. of St. John's).
The 'spirit of Vatican II' abiding in its "strange vineyard"* (Jer. 2.21) 'revised' Ps. 95.5 ("All the gods of the gentiles are devils.") and declares...
its "
diabolical disorientation" (Our Lady of Fatima): Vatican II religious harlotry of 'ecumenism' from
"Nostra Aetate" (Vatican II document "on the relation with non-Christian religions).
* the Vatican II-'Conciliar Church' taking possession of an official Catholic Church visible manifestation (our institutions, see the
"pseudo-Church" of infiltrated revolutionaries): "the great harlot... in purple and scarlet" (Apoc. 17.1,4)...
"If you love Me, you will keep My words" (from the Holy Gospel, Monday in the Octave of Pentecost) - But His words are law and truth; it is by the "Spirit of Truth" that we can adhere to the Eternal Law and Truth against the "unbelievers" (whose false creeds the so-called 'spirit of Vatican II,' speaking by its "Nostra Aetate" above, "REVERENCE[s]" as "OFTEN REFLECT A RAY OF THAT TRUTH WHICH ENLIGHTENS ALL MEN") : "he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the Name of the only begotten Son of God" (Jn. 3.18).
For this reason, "in [that same] Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
WITHDRAW yourselves from [them - the 'official' mainstream-'Church'; not seek official 'full' communion with them as with the SSPX] who walk disorderly [along the path of religious harlotry: Vatican II 'ecumenism'], and not according to the Tradition which they have received of us" (II Thess. 3.6).
Now comes the so-called 'Charismatic Renewa' - "one of the most active movements in the ECUMENICAL FIELD... Their goal is to recreate the experience the apostles had at the Pentecost" (
RomeReports). But the Apostles spoke with tongues immediately understood by their hearers (of different races) - a charism the 'spirit of Vatican II' failed to "recreate."